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My computer died - Bob the Beholder - 07-28-2005

So, the other day, my computer just randomly powered down in the middle of everything I was doing. And failed to come back up. I checked all the cables, the power strip, etc. and it all seemed fine. ... after a while I kinda caught the scent of melting plastic. Not a good thing.

So, I opened that thing up, took out everything I know how (CD-ROM, graphics card, sound card, network card, RAM, hard drive), and examined everything to see if it was burnt or damaged. Didn't find a thing. So I hoooked everything back up and hit the power button. Asbolutely nothing, just like before. Woo.

I imagined, if something in there were damaged, then it would probably die or explode or glitch out or make funny noises AFTER booting up, instead just refusing to. So I just kinda decided that it was not recieving power. (Well... it seems like it isn't.) So I replaced the power supply.

Brand new power supply, brand new cord, several different points around the house (in case the wiring in my room, or that power strip, are dead). Absolutely nothing. It just doesn't respond to anything in any way.

My quesion: What the hell is going on? I'm confuuuuuused.

My computer died - Roland - 07-28-2005

Bob the Beholder,Jul 27 2005, 10:06 PM Wrote:So, the other day, my computer just randomly powered down in the middle of everything I was doing.  And failed to come back up.  I checked all the cables, the power strip, etc. and it all seemed fine.  ... after a while I kinda caught the scent of melting plastic.  Not a good thing.

So, I opened that thing up, took out everything I know how (CD-ROM, graphics card, sound card, network card, RAM, hard drive), and examined everything to see if it was burnt or damaged.  Didn't find a thing.  So I hoooked everything back up and hit the power button.  Asbolutely nothing, just like before.  Woo.

I imagined, if something in there were damaged, then it would probably die or explode or glitch out or make funny noises AFTER booting up, instead just refusing to.  So I just kinda decided that it was not recieving power.  (Well...  it seems like it isn't.)  So I replaced the power supply. 

Brand new power supply, brand new cord, several different points around the house (in case the wiring in my room, or that power strip, are dead).  Absolutely nothing.  It just doesn't respond to anything in any way.

My quesion:  What the hell is going on?  I'm confuuuuuused.

Do you want an honest answer?

It sounds like your PSU blew, and took your motherboard (at the very least) with it. Could also be the CPU (in addition to or instead of the motherboard). And if it is the motherboard, there's no real telling what ELSE might have gone with it.

Set aside a couple hundred bucks and invest in a new Motherboard. If that works, you may want to think about a new CPU just to be safe. If it doesn't work, you'll be getting a new one anyway. :P

Of course, there IS the potential for "other" issues to be causing this - like you improperly hooking up the PSU, the Power Button wire not being connected properly, etc. But, given what you described, I'd say it's bye-bye Mobo and PSU.

My computer died - Bob the Beholder - 07-28-2005

Roland,Jul 28 2005, 03:41 AM Wrote:Do you want an honest answer?

It sounds like your PSU blew, and took your motherboard (at the very least) with it. Could also be the CPU (in addition to or instead of the motherboard). And if it is the motherboard, there's no real telling what ELSE might have gone with it.

Set aside a couple hundred bucks and invest in a new Motherboard. If that works, you may want to think about a new CPU just to be safe. If it doesn't work, you'll be getting a new one anyway. :P

Of course, there IS the potential for "other" issues to be causing this - like you improperly hooking up the PSU, the Power Button wire not being connected properly, etc. But, given what you described, I'd say it's bye-bye Mobo and PSU.

Oh, dammit.

Great time to be a jobless teenager.

Gyeh. At least I can access the internet. But unless I can convince the owners of the other computers hanging around here to lose a computer (and have a temporary upgrade in the form of transplanted RAM/harddrive), then none of that crazy 'World of Warcraft' stuff for me. ><

My computer died - Yrrek - 07-28-2005

Bob the Beholder,Jul 27 2005, 10:55 PM Wrote:Oh, dammit.&nbsp;

Great time to be a jobless teenager.&nbsp; &nbsp;

Gyeh.&nbsp; At least I can access the internet.&nbsp; But unless I can convince the owners of the other computers hanging around here to lose a computer (and have a temporary upgrade in the form of transplanted RAM/harddrive), then none of that crazy 'World of Warcraft' stuff for me.&nbsp; ><

That has good equipment for cheap, I buy all my stuff there.

Tom's Hardware for information on what does what and how well etc. searches other sites and brings a list of the cheapest prices for X part.

Good luck! =)

BTW: You can purchase a new mobo/proc for ~$150. PSU $50 (for a decent one). RAM ~$80 for 1GB.

My computer died - Griselda - 07-28-2005

When my computer wasn't starting (like yours, it had no error beeps or anything else), I had to replace my motherboard but my processor turned out to be fine. Of course, there's really no way of knowing without trying. I ended up getting a newer motherboard that would still work with my old processor and hardware. I had to reinstall windows, but the nice thing now is that I have a board that can handle a nicer processor down the road when I have money to upgrade.

My computer died - whyBish - 08-03-2005

Bob the Beholder,Jul 28 2005, 04:06 PM Wrote:[right][snapback]84524[/snapback][/right]

Good luck with that. I've been without a machine for a couple of weeks... I decided to go and delete some of the core windows files to make some more space :P
The good news is that I've upgraded, and my old files don't even make a dent on the new machine. 5 years is a long time in computing :)