This latest patch has added a new Horde outpost, Revantusk Village, located on the eastern coastline at the southern end of the beach. I counted 13 new quests. My level 49 mage completed 2 and received a 4400 xp quest reward for each one. There is also an inn and a new flight path for the Horde in The Hinterlands which goes to either The Undercity or Tarren Mill. The flight path can be found at the end of the pier in Revantusk Village. The Hinterlands, formerly a decent place to level has now become a great place to level. The difficulty of the quests will be suitable for players in the mid 40s to low 50s.
I'll give only one specific quest tip. If you are doing any of the Feralas quests which require the killing of Owlbeasts/Wildkin stop at Revantusk Village first to pick up the Owlbeast quest to get extra xp for completion of essentially the same tasks.
I'll give only one specific quest tip. If you are doing any of the Feralas quests which require the killing of Owlbeasts/Wildkin stop at Revantusk Village first to pick up the Owlbeast quest to get extra xp for completion of essentially the same tasks.