06-02-2005, 06:20 PM
kandrathe,Jun 2 2005, 06:45 AM Wrote:But, you missed or ignored the first part. When you have a two hour chunk of time that, for example, want to skill up some mining in Charred Vale, and complete the harpy killing quests. How long would it take to get a group together? It's hard enough sometimes to mine or pick herbs in some contested places. I can imagine how fun it might be to be ganked while gathering. It just makes me tingle to think of corpse walking to Charred Vale repeatedly.I do plenty of half hour to two hour outdoor sessions. Solo. I try not to stand in sight of the road when I'm gathering/questing, and I don't use the /slap or /spit emote on members of the other faction as they pass by, and I do fine. Groups are far from mandatory on a PvP server.
Most people who speak of the horrors of a PvP server have not spent significant time on one, or have never made even a minor attempt to adapt to their surroundings. If you can accept that you'll never gather the herb nodes between Tarren Mill and Southshore in peace, and just gather the same herbs somewhere quieter, you'll find PvP servers perfectly carebear friendly.
To repeat myself:
Quote:About 98% of my outdoor playtime has been uninterrupted by players of the other faction, and the number of times I have passed someone by / been passed by far outnumbers the times I've been "ganked".