05-12-2005, 04:20 PM
Spangles has been raiding daily for many weeks in defensive stance. She switches stance into berserker only to fire her gun, then switches right back to defense.
She sees no reason to switch otherwise, the main issue being time. Time to check the backfield for breakout mobs. Time to look for unsuspected incoming. Time to break into CC'c mobs that seem ripe for it. Stance switching intterupts the high speed process of targeting and triage. There is always enough rage to get off a taunt or sunder. DPS and personal health are taken care of by others, and are of no concern.
The picture is not so clear cut in 5 man, where she longs to kill faster. Other party members are usually happy for the guaranteed aggro lock, however.
I hope that as defense warriors who published in this thread respec, they will publish the final talent configuration here, as following someone's timeline is somewhat difficult.
She sees no reason to switch otherwise, the main issue being time. Time to check the backfield for breakout mobs. Time to look for unsuspected incoming. Time to break into CC'c mobs that seem ripe for it. Stance switching intterupts the high speed process of targeting and triage. There is always enough rage to get off a taunt or sunder. DPS and personal health are taken care of by others, and are of no concern.
The picture is not so clear cut in 5 man, where she longs to kill faster. Other party members are usually happy for the guaranteed aggro lock, however.
I hope that as defense warriors who published in this thread respec, they will publish the final talent configuration here, as following someone's timeline is somewhat difficult.