05-11-2005, 02:55 PM
savaughn,May 11 2005, 08:53 AM Wrote:I'm sorry, which priest or pally ability removes curses? [right][snapback]76956[/snapback][/right]
Blessing of Freedom removes CoEx
Shadow resistence aura reduces CoA and all shadow damage by 20%
CoA, 1k damage over 30 seconds isn't enough to kill a paladin who can heal that in 2 seconds or less.
Divine Shield also removes the curses.
Quote: And are you seriously suggesting that ice block that has a 5 minute cooldown is a trump card for your instant cast dots?
A good frost mage can cast ice block 2-3x in a battle with his winter's talent ability that can reset all frost cooldowns.
Quote: Every mage I have ever seen cast ice block in the middle of PvP died the second that wall came down since they had to face a fully healed and prepped
You don't get how our frost mages use ice block then. 1v1 vs me, they use it to remove dots and cancel it.
Quote: Dot the hunter and he has no escape mechanisms (turning on aspect of cheetah in combat is a death sentence).
Fiegn death, and freezing trap at the warlock's feet.
Quote:Blind lasts 10s. What do you have out, an imp?
10 seconds? Rogues can do 2-5k damage in 10.
Quote:(my hunter has been killed enough by warlocks seducing him
I pretty much own hunters 1v1 without seduce, even with an imp. They get scared easily, and most aren't very good. Too used to PvE depending on autoshot. Not enough FD, Freeze trap, scatter shot, poison, drain shot, concussion blows, wing clip.
If a warlock closes distance, and he should, you should wing clip him.
Quote:In 5s, a warlock can drop an inferno and enslave the resulting demon.
2 seconds, 1400 mana, and it turns on the warlock within 2-30 seconds.
Enslave takse 4-8 seconds, all the while taking 300ish damage every 2 seconds from the infernal, and whatever other skills his pvp enemies are pounding on him. One concussion shot, stun, silence or other interrupt and he's done for.
Not worth it. Yet another suicidal WL ability.
Quote:Curse of Doom is an instant cast death sentence
Doesn't work pvp.
Quote:Warlocks and Priests are best in PvP when supported by a group and aren't as great 1:1.
You haven't fought good warlocks/shadow priests 1v1 then. They're sick. Along with other PvP'ers. You really get to see the difference how much mastery of class matters when watching, and participating against the best, and the mediocre. Heck, its an embarassment to see level 50 shadow priests take down level 60 warriors.
Right now, I'm particularly impressed by a level 51-52 mage named berito able to kite anyone or anything level 60 who isn't at a top skill level. I can't wait to see what kind of monster pvp'er he'll be once he's actually 60.