05-10-2005, 06:10 PM
savaughn,May 10 2005, 10:55 AM Wrote:You have fear. Want to complain about no escape skill in PvP, please get in line behind the Paladins, Warriors, Hunters...
Both Fear and Howl of Terror have 1.5 second cast timers. The priest's Pyschic Scream and the Mage's Frost Nova and Blink are all instant cast spells. The cast time means we can't use them on the run, and they can be interupted by hits. We're also terribly excited about the anti-fear trinket available to some classes.
Being self-absorbed spell casters we assume the mail and plate wearers can take a beating and have less pressing need for escape skills.
The Healthstone issue does mystify me, since it must have been mentioned at least every other post in the feedback thread. (The talent currently does not improve healthstones given to other people).
Warlocks will be able to gain soul shards from players in the 1.5 patch, but it will still be an issue until they give us another way of earning shards than by using Drain Soul. (Taking away the shard cost from Shadowburn would be a great move IMO)