What is up with these people...
Griselda,Dec 13 2004, 08:43 PM Wrote:I knew that I was treading in dangerous territory by posting this, but please don't feel that you have to be that nervous to state your opinion here.  I believe that it's the large number of average people who don't support cheating but still trade items that create the "economy" that encourages duping to exist.  So, I don't trade, but I will take items from friends (if I know where they got it) or give items away.  I also realize that I'm not likely to get the majority of players to agree with me here, although I wish that weren't the case.

While I don't hide in my house in fear of "bad people", if someone who I didn't know came to my door right now and offered to sell me a car stereo, I wouldn't buy it.  We all know it would probably be stolen.  On the other hand, if my car stereo broke, and a friend offered me an extra one that they had, I would happily accept their offer.  You can see the distinction, can't you?  That's how I look at trading.  In my ideal version of Diablo, that's how things would go.

No, I won't ban you for disagreeing with me.  That's not what I'm about.

The best analogy for this for most trading is buying something from a market. You definitely want some gurantee of legitmacy. You're not going to buy stuff from the side alleys, so you should stay away things that are obviously bad. Your stereo example is similar to those shady folks hiding in those alleys.

The economy is not created for the cheaters, it is created for the players. The cheaters are simply the underground corrupt part of the economy. I say just because there are black market operations does not mean you should be afraid to do buisness in the light.

I think it's not worth the worry. Cheaters will always exist, because they have nothing better to do. (Well, scams of ebay, but whatever) I mean I could party up with a person and do quests. The person might be cheating, and by helping this person out, I'm just helping out his cheating efforts. That's bad of course. But I wouldn't avoid partying completely because that would just suck. I think that you should not let cheaters detract from your gaming experience. I don't play with known cheaters though, even if I know them personally.

But when I played Diablo 2, I wouldn't trade either but for a diffrent reason. it's hard to get some people to articulate anything. :D
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