12-08-2004, 02:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2004, 02:12 PM by Occhidiangela.)
MongoJerry,Dec 8 2004, 02:30 AM Wrote:Similarly, the real griefers tend to focus on the lower level areas with a high concentration of potential victims who have no chance of defending themselves, so once you get out of those areas, the amount of genuine griefing one sees is minimal. If Blizzard adds more engaging high level content like battlegrounds, a PvP honor system, epic quests, and new high level instances and raids, then the number of level capped players who grief out of boredom will be lessened, leaving the griefing to only the genuine deviants.
Once again, I do not count being attacked by a person or group of roughly your level as "griefing."Â If you did not want to fight members of the other faction, then you wouldn't be on the PvP server in the first place. An example of true griefing would be the level 60 mage who ran around the lake in Redridge, slaughtering all the level 20ish players, for hours and days on end.
From the article, and from my own interacting with a variety of griefers on line, I will offer you this: It is not boredom that induces the high level ganker to grief. While you make some very good points overall, on this issue you seem to be measuring their wheat with your bushel, which strikes me as unsound reasoning. The griefer/killer has fun effing with other people: that is why he is in the game. Fun is where you find it, and that is where he finds his fun.
My other question is: do you see the vicious circle you require the low to mid level PvP quester to indulge in?
Quote:Once one gets high enough in level (say, 40ish), the available space allowed for a person to explore and adventure in becomes too large for true griefers to affect an individual significantly.
Similarly, the real griefers tend to focus on the lower level areas with a high concentration of potential victims who have no chance of defending themselves, so once you get out of those areas, the amount of genuine griefing one sees is minimal.
COnsider: How does one get to 40ish if the questing areas and the building block areas, poarticularly those known to harbor good quest/item matches, are infected with harassment day in and day out? How much time and emotion does one invest in the game? Part of the answer is "party up, in numbers there is strength."
Against AoE spells? Your selection of a mage as griefer is spot on.
You bunch up on any battlefield, and the Siege Artillery, or the Cluster munitions, grind you up in groups. The dispersed squad TTP's used by skirmishers may be the only scheme that "trying to survive the gank" groups distill down to, and that is assuming a small or single unit griefing force. A sizeable mix of AoE spell casters will fix you and f*** you easily. (From my real life definition of Close Air Support: Find 'em, fix 'em, frag 'em is the family friendly version.) Their only problem is to find you, and if there is a natural channelization to certain spots, you enter the engagement under TAC SIT One: found.
"Once you get out of those areas." Exactly. An entire set of guides on "how to deal with arseholes" probably need to be written. :w00t: That's one I won't have time for, I have arseholes aplenty to deal with on my day job, don't need that in my leisure activity.
Each gamer has a threshold of harassment "up with which he will put," on his own dime, before it aint fun anymore. Then, color him gone, unless we are talking obsessive compulsive disorder. (All Loungers probably have that to a certain degree from the get go!)
Glad to see you reinforce the excellent point that on PvP servers, partying up is an imperative, and not just for instances. Perhaps the player who prefers the chance of failure/loss has the grit and gaming mindset to figure out a way past the arseholes. Imagination and innovation are then what is tested, which takes us back to the relative mixture of Explorer/Achiever in a given gamer.
Fun is indeed where you find it. :D
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete