Single cd-key solo play Ladder HF rushing works
lemekim,Feb 26 2004, 03:33 AM Wrote:A1 - Clear the way to the Andy, and take her to sliver of life. Finish with new character with help of A3 merc (Lightning mercs will be able to use charged bolt even if they are level 1. Cold merc more preferable if you can get one at higher level)
How can you use an act 3 merc to finish off andy if you haven't beaten act 1 yet?

The stamina potion (either pass gold or stamina pots) is a great idea, since we do have to run all the way from town each time.

Oh, and samka suggested the wolf or assassin skills. I guess I'll be the one to point out this is classic, and neither the druid nor 'sin characters are available.


ps otherwise, a fairly good idea... I'm curious to know if that is indeed the fastest (or something close to it)
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Single cd-key solo play Ladder HF rushing works - by gekko - 02-26-2004, 07:26 PM

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