Need advice for poor man's Blade Fury Assassin
@bigeyedbug: From your quibble, I'm gathering that Weapon Block can block non-physical attacks? Cool, yet another thing I didn't know.

@Ruvenal: So *all* damage is modified by 3/8 with a 2H weapon, not just the weapon's physical damage? That sucks pretty badly - doesn't really make sense, either. Not that that's stopped Bliz before. Definitely (another) big deterrent to 2H BF, though.

But now you all really have me thinking about skills again. I don't think that Kicking is for me - I'm a little burned out on melee at the moment (got a single-player Fanaticism Zealot at level 75 and another paladin I play with my friends online). But I played a couple of trappers back in 1.09, and they were fun fun fun, if a little underpowered at the time. So Lightning Sentry is very tempting, especially with the Death Sentry synergy working for me. Assuming that I prioritize LS and DS ahead of Venom and SM for the synergy, would the LS be powerful enough to be helpful? Especially since my gear probably won't have the kind of skill adders a dedicated trapper would have?

Also, if I branch into LS, I start getting concerned about the related issues of Mercs, Vitality, and crowd control. With big points in Fade, the damage reduction makes me feel safe enough to put a few more points in Dex for the AR, and use a Might merc for the damage. With low Fade, I think I'd need the Freeze merc to slow things down to manageable speeds, and then my damage is going to take a hit unless I can get crazy CB gear.

Aaah... so many choices. Fortunately, I don't have to actually make any of them until later in this character's career, so I've gone ahead and gotten started. You can find Star-Fall on East, if you want a game. Thanks for the help.

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Need advice for poor man's Blade Fury Assassin - by Todd - 02-24-2004, 10:04 PM

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