So.... I guess theres a dupe out /madface
kandrathe,Dec 3 2003, 05:00 PM Wrote:If Blizzard could focus on steps they could take to make e-bay sales of DII items, and characters unprofitable, that would go along way in removing the impetus for cheating amongst thousands of the cheating "sheep".
I heard it a long time ago and I've got no idea if it's true, but for another MMORPG (erh..Everquest?), selling in-game items for money was made illegal.

Edit > Another as in I'm thinking I'm in an Ultima Online forum. :unsure:

MEAT: The general lack of spacing (hah, I'm that educated, I don't even know the correct word) and the slight offensive and rambling nature made it W'y.

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So.... I guess theres a dupe out /madface - by Guest - 12-04-2003, 01:21 AM

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