(09-18-2017, 06:21 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: If me wanting equality and the eradication of all oppression and exploitation in society makes me a dickhead, then fucking A, I'm a dickhead. But moreover, I make absolutely no apologies about it. In fact, I'll gladly wear the dickhead label as a badge of honor. What!Commies aside.
I'm sure that bothers you more than the nurse getting assaulted by a member of the American Gestapo. Wouldn't expect anything less from a pro-cappie.
I was thinking about this as it relates to a book I must write some day, along with some of my native friends.
In the context of "The Yuck Factor".
Quote:Still, is it really desirable for, say, bad smells to encourage xenophobia or homophobia? “I think it’s very possible to override disgust. That’s my hope, in fact,” says Pizarro. “Even though we might have very strong disgust reactions, we should be tasked with coming up with reasons independent of this reflexive gut reaction.”
Most native words for members of their tribe are roughly "the people", and for those not of the tribe it is "not of the people" or enemy.
Obviously, we need to encourage people to be better informed, to process that "yuck" response, and to intellectually address it in the context of knowledge & wisdom. We know in these modern times the "others" are not carrying pathogens that will wipe out our tribe, and so we can commingle with the "others" without concerns.
FITs (and other counter-reactionaries) attitude reflect as a mirror of this instinctual anti-intellectual revulsion of the "other". His "Yuck" reaction is towards those who are reacting on instincts, without utilizing their brains or informing themselves to debunk their phobias. Trump, and his "fear the immigrants" platform is a what I believe is either a cynical pandering to innate xenophobia, or just his own ignorance expressed as fear. Either way, it rallies those who are easily propagandized by a few bad immigrant anecdotes (e.g. Muslim terrorists, or criminal Mexicans). So, then... We can propose in generosity, that the average Trump supporter is not therefore a white supremacist, but rather uninformed, and fearful.
But, this following video is a recruiting wet dream for the alt-right... Just like tiki torch carrying white nationalists are a rally point for Antifa.
Where I think we also need to be careful, in either the instinctual xenophobic reactionaries or rationalizing anti-reactionaries, is to not resort to the instinctual tribal reaction, which is violence against the other. My question then is, how do we escape the establishment of these self defined moral systems, where we call out the heretics and burn them at the stake. The "right" has its moral systems, the left does, FIT has strong opinions on morality, but if everyone imposes the death penalty for unbelievers, we all die.