So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and..
a very strange thing happened to me today.

Hellbovine's mlvl is 28/61/81 in monstats.txt
MooMooFarm's lvl is 28/64/81 in levels.txt

I wanted to mod the bovine's HP via the monlvl.txt.
First, I changed normal bovine's mlvl from 28 to 27 and moded the L-HP in the line "level=27"
in monlvl.txt,it works well.The bovine's life is correspondent to the 27 in monlvl.txt.
Then I changed the L-HP(N) in the line "level=61",it did nothing to nightmare bovine.......
Then I changed the L-HP(N) in the line "level=64",bah,it works to nightare bovine!

Why mlvl=27 normal bovine obey "level=27 line" in monlvl.txt and mlvl=61 nm bovine only obey
"level=64 line"?Note that the "level=81" line works very well to hell Hellbovine.

Messages In This Thread
So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and.. - by Kar0n - 07-13-2003, 03:03 PM

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