So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and..
Monsters with noRatio=1 will take their values straight from the monstats.txt file. Those with noRatio=0 will adjust the relavent stat with the factors from monlvl.txt (use the "-L" columns for the SP/LAN games). Example
Hell Diablo (the one for act 4, not the Diabloclone)
monlvl factor L-HP(H) for a level 94= 7217
actual HP used in game 1577*7217/100=113812 (drop the fraction)

So the hell monster should be typically ending up with more HP even though some of the number look lower at first glance.

Blocking. The values that you see in blocking will only be used if the monster has a shield AND blocking animation in the files. UNLESS they are set to NoShldBlock=1 in monstats.txt, in which case they can block reguardless. Most of the blocking values that you are looking at will not get used by the game due to NoShldBlock=0 and the monster lacking either a shield or the blocking animation even if they are displayed with a shield (Iron Wolves for example do not have a blocking animation at least as of 1.09).

Messages In This Thread
So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and.. - by Ruvanal - 07-12-2003, 12:30 PM

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