Rift - Out of Beta into Head Start and Beyond!
(03-01-2011, 01:27 AM)Frag Wrote: Leveling Fragalicious, Bahmi Warrior first. Also have Fragaress, Fragit & Noctus in stable. Hope to see some of you around Smile

So I messed up my names a bit because I wasn't thinking about them ahead of time, so the name on my mage would fit my rogue a bit better (go go bard) but well the mage was the last toon made and I just wanted a name, and that one popped into my head. Smile

So I have
Eleria - Kelari Cleric, likely my primary toon.
Delphinia - Eth Rogue
Marn - Bahmi Warrior
MaraRunesong - Eth Mage

I've got all my crafting covered on those 4, mostly I'm just getting them all big enough to do the soul gathering quests so I can have full choice of specs. The warrior and mage aren't big enough yet, but I have all the souls (expect the PvP one, only been in one warfront) on the cleric and rogue now. Warrior will be the next since I'm just going in order of creation. Smile
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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RE: Rift - Out of Beta into Head Start and Beyond! - by Kevin - 03-01-2011, 02:13 AM

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