Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused!
There are 2 issues here.

1) Colour. You want purple to be a mark of exclusivity - only the best items are purple. But it's not just a novelty pet, or mount, or a title. It's a level of itemization. If you deny that to people lower down, you're locking them out of raiding, or at least locking raids into very exclusive tiers. If they changed the way they itemized, and made "colour" just a cosmetic thing, then I might agree with you. But until then, catchup has to be possible, and it won't be, without access to epic gear.

2) Gearscore. There is no way to turn back this clock. This is not a function of epics being common. Indeed, if epics were not common, the problem would be even worse, because then it would be even more accurate (and therefore tempting) to judge players by their gear level. This is simply a totally different issue.


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RE: Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused! - by Jester - 07-23-2010, 02:23 AM

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