Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused!
(07-22-2010, 03:40 PM)RTM Wrote: Speaking of talents, what do folks think of what is quite possibly the biggest change of the expansion: the talent revamp?

New release of trees came out today. Not a lot exciting happening for feral druids, I think. I'm a little concerned about how non-blocking druids (and DKs) will stack up against warriors and paladins, but I gather that Savage Defense will start reducing a percentage of the incoming damage instead of a fixed amount (based on AP).

The action seems to be happening in the paladin trees at the moment, IMO. Paladins will get not one but two AOE heals - the second being a cone heal. (can I get a rousing chorus of 'wtf Blizzard' here?) Not sure as yet how they're going to setup the Holy Power interaction for holy paladins; the only viable option to use HPwr on right now seems to be the instant heal. It would be interesting if they made a % healing buff that could be triggered with HPwr - that's what they did for Ret, so you have to juggle your holy damage buff with a direct damage spell for HPwr dumping.

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RE: Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused! - by Tuftears - 07-23-2010, 01:20 AM

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