Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused!
(07-22-2010, 02:48 PM)Tal Wrote: The system you're concerned with has nothing to do with Blizzard and how they make items and everything to do with how PEOPLE run guilds. Lurkers on Stormrage have never recruited but if we were to do so there would be an application process and discussions with the prospective member to assess just how well they know their class and role. THEN gearing would be looked at along with a trial run to see how well they perform and fit in with the Guild.

Fun fact: I collected the Lightforge set on Sharanna in a prot paladin. Those blues did NOTHING to affect my role in raids.

For a guild applicant I would look at gear and performance to see if the person is utilizing their gear as a quick metric. Are you hitting 90% of your theorycrafted max DPS for the gear you have and not dying in fires? OK you know how to play that class, and that is a pretty quick measure.

Do your gear choices make sense for the talent choices you've made and the gear you have available to you? OK you seem to understand how your gear and skills interact. And I worded that the way I did intentionally because I've seen several off the wall specs, that were done to try something new or just because it was fun for that person, and so they had gear that didn't fit the norm for that class but sure fit for what they were trying to do, and that tells me a lot too. Smile
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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RE: Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused! - by Kevin - 07-22-2010, 03:10 PM

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