10-21-2009, 02:46 PM
Quote:He who controls the media, controls the hearts of the people.Two examples that show this is 'not just Italy'.
But really, it's Italy. I mean, they have more churches then brains there. Must be the Mediterranean sun.
1. The fact that GW Bush was elected twice over two different intellectually far superior opponents, just because of superior 'media skills' of the GOP.
2. The recent example of a bank owner in the Netherlands (Dirk Scheringa) who used extortioning interest rates on loans and sold all kinds of shady financial construction to 'the people', who after his bank got declared bankrupt still is 'the nice guy' in the eyes of the same people which he 'tricked' into these strange lending schemes, whereas the minister of finance who refused to save the bank is portraied as the bad guy.
Two simple examples of the fact that using the media in your benefit happens everywhere.
The main point of the topic I started is however the fact that the EU parliament (because of the large christian fraction) didn't want to undertake even the slightest action (a reprimand) and how embarassing that is. So we are not only talking about the Italians here