06-25-2003, 05:55 AM
Quote:Now, then: #$%& off and die.
Now I am told to Fuc* of and die? You know what the bad thing about the internet is? Punks can speak to you like that without retribution.
Son, I have killed better men than you, in the service of my country
It is wrong to use a rare ring that you find, but it is not wrong to tell someone you know to FUc* off and die. Grow up.
You could have posted the same thing without being rude and a idiot.
I made this account before I knew I was deleted, because I thought maybe something was wrong with the forums. I did not realize I was banned.
I cannot believe a man would curse at another man over a freaking video game. That is just lame dude.
And now you same I am a cheater in the Bussiness world? Who the hell do you think you are? What do you know about bussiness? How old are you? What do you do? I hae a c-grip ring in diablo2, so I am a bad buss-man? That is just stupid to say.
If people like you are all that is left of the Lurkerlounge then there is no point in me being here anyway. It is sad to see this is what the lounge has come too.
One more thing
"Our guild was founded on a code of honor and respect"
It seems you have no honour and even less respect. You disgust me.