05-28-2003, 10:43 PM
Bowa,May 23 2003, 08:37 PM Wrote:Sorry to bring up a newbie question - I'm new to this build (currently my Buribear is in his 30's).Use hunger when it makes sense to you to use it. :) I ended up with no mana leach on my gear (highlords, jalal's, blood craft gloves good %CB but no mana leach - prismatic life leach ring I gambled rather than a manald w/o any resists, and a low-end raven frost I found on another char), so under most circumstances I just switch to Hunger with the Buriza for a quick mana refill (or if my life is dropping more than I'm comfortable with).
You use hunger with a faster weapon on a weapon-switch; it's NOT your main attack, right?
I noticed that hunger + cleglaws with Buriza was enough to reduce sparking from LeBs, due to the slow enemies and the fast attack. Of course I still miss sometimes, and then there's a gap big enough for a spark. The combination worked well enough to pin and kill hell Lister with stone skin + LeB - typically a very rough situation for a weredruid. A couple purples were still required if I recall, but that was mainly due to the occasional miss (and sometimes even enough of a gap for a counterattack from Lister).
I took a break from my Buriza toting bear around clvl 86 (hate leaching and the exp. penalties are tiresome), and passed off some of the gear to a new paladin (eschewing fanatacism for concentration, despite my love for speed I loathe playing a paladin whose aura's radius barely reaches his merc, much less nearby party members). Then started going out on more dates (no, that's not a Sorc variant), so not much progress has been made on any of my LoD chars the last few weeks.
Hell lightning spires weren't holding up nearly long enough to be reliable test vehicles for hunger/regular attack comparisons for the shael'd Buriza. Frame per attack testing really begs for much more controlled conditions in a modified single player game.
Resists are always an issue for weredruids with 2h weapons, whether it's a crossbow or a giant thresher, some combination of charms + non-shield gear has to come up with a lot of resists in hell.