08-29-2006, 08:13 PM
Quote:And I agree, Demonolgy does need a talent(s) that scales the pets better. The three individual talents don't allow the pets to scale. Maybe they should change Fel Intellect and Fel Stamina to pull a percentage of your Int and Stamina onto the pets.
That would be nice. I'd like to see a basic % of character Sta/Int go to the pets, with Fel Stamina/Int improving on that base.
They could solve the lack of pet skill upgrades by book drops, which could solve the VW threat problem.
Not sure how pet melee damage would scale post-cap. I suppose tying it to spell damage would work, even though it doesn't "make sense" (which should not be the first priority). I suppose they could do quests for it which are tied to certain raid instances.
Ultimately capped raiding needs to improve pets whether you spec demonology or not, just like leveling did before you capped. Demonology should simply improve on your pets further.
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