New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
Monkey,Apr 18 2006, 08:03 AM Wrote:So the Draenei from WC3 still work for Illidan:

Check out The Broken, note in the description:

(emphasis mine)

I think Draenei can be ruled out as the New Alliance race because of their 'shamanistic heritage' . Alliance can't have Shaman any more than the Horde can have Paladins. Now, it's clear that no Blood Elf would turn 'towards the light', but why would a shamanistic people turn away from their faith?

So who could it be? From the rumormongering and detail aggregation sites I've read regarding the new Alliance race, there are a few requirements:

1. Related to Outland / The Burning Crusade
2. "Cool" but not necessarily "Pretty"
3. Starting zone in Azeroth (Outland is all >level 50 stuff)
4. Small enough to fit through all doors in Stormwind/Ironforge/Darnassus
5. Not Kool-aid Man

I didn't put bipedal on the list, but I'm pretty sure it should be there--explaining away  boots on something with a tail (naga) or four feet (dryads) would just not be good game lore in my opinion.

I like the worgan and ogre ideas, but I know there's no hard information. Anyone else have any new thoughts on this? Think I've gone insane?

Right now, I'm sticking with Draeni. There are easy ways of making it so they lost their shamanic traditions in Azeroth (cut off from Ancestor spirits and such). Likewise, there is an area east of Redridge and north of Swamp of Sorrows that could work as a starting area for the Draeni. The other advantages is that the Draeni have ties to Outland (just as the Blood Elves do).

The only other possible race I could see for the Alliance to get would be Ogres as they too would have ties to Outland (it is where the Ogres came from). Where to place the Ogres start area would be interesting as well, possible the area northwest of Elwynn and west of Dun Morgor. (Potentially somewhere on Kalimdor too, but where I'm not sure and why I don't know either since I don't recall any Ogre mobs in Kalimdor.)

A third possibility, but I put this much lower on the list than the above two, would be either Quillboar or Centaur. Quillboar because they are trying survive and the Horde are making it difficult. Centaur due to the quest chains in Desolace with the Alliance trying to form an alliance with one of the tribes there. The problem that arises from these races is that there is no ties to Outland and locating a capital city in the vicinity of Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff would be difficult to say the least.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

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Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.

Messages In This Thread
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lfd - 04-18-2006, 11:59 PM
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by Lissa - 04-19-2006, 02:50 PM

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