New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
ima_nerd,Apr 18 2006, 05:18 PM Wrote:Blood Elves as Paladins makes no sense to me according to the lore. When the Scourge over ran Quel'Thalas, the surviving High Elves swore vengeance and made demonic pacts to reach their goals. Their inbred addiction to magic raises another point that prevents them from being Paladins. Beings infused with Demonic powers and a life controlling adictionto the Arcane don't seem like good candidates for champions of the Light, to me :whistling:

Now that makes much more sense. Also, I found this bit by Tigole:

Quote:Poster: Tigole at 3/21/2006 8:37:30 PM PST
Subject: Re: What classes can be blood elves?

  Currently, they can be:


This might change as we get into Alpha/Beta for the expansion. 

Hah. Although I did find this post by Tyren from before:

Quote:Poster: Tyren at 11/17/2005 11:10:13 PM PST
Subject: Re: Blood Elves available races?
  Seriously though, if Blood Elves ever got to be hunters, we'd have to have the GMs do a service wide search for any form of the name "Legolas" and just start handing out random names. 

That post was before Tigole mentioned Rogues/Hunters as playable races. No paladins! (Unless they change their mind... Just kidding.)

Well, now that my wild detour into realm of speculations is over, I'll throw in my guess - Pandaren.

Messages In This Thread
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lemekim - 04-18-2006, 05:34 PM
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lfd - 04-18-2006, 11:59 PM

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