New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
lemekim,Apr 18 2006, 10:44 AM Wrote:That is an interesting observation. However, I do have to point out one thing - in the past, Blizzard liked to play on semantics when trying to disguise something.

Consider Blood Elves - Blizzard specifically announced that High Elves will not be a playable race. While Blood Elves are *Technically* High Elves, in reality they became another faction, which allowed Blizzard to say this, and not be wrong. But that stement gave people the idea that there will be no more Elves as a playable faction - sort of hiding truth in plain sight .

This leads me to two thoughts...

First one is simple. If it really isn't Draenei, then why did Blizzard so openly announce the new mobs - am I seeing too much, or is Blizzard trying to pull the wool over our eyes again? First, why did they make the specific distinction "Lost Ones" and "Broken"? And also, it's not hard to imagine that there is a significant contingent of Draenei remain that are not corrupted, and which will be a playable race - it will probably be "prettier" as well, since it's not corrupted.

My second thought is a bit more speculative, and directly relates to your statement about Shamanistic nature of Draenei. What if Alliance is finally getting Shamans, and Horde is getting Paladins? After all, the last class that will be available to Blood Elves is still unknown (I wonder why), and we already know that Draenei can be Shamans. Blizzard said that there will be no new classes... But neither Shaman nor Paladin are new, yet they would provide a sufficient degree of "new" for people to try the new races. Absurd? Correct me if I am wrong, but nowhere did Blizzard state that it will not happen. It is merely assumed that it will not happen, but why shouldn’t it?

What do you think?Wild speculations? Or is Blizzard again trying to hide the answer in plain sight?

But please, if you have any information disproving this, I’d be glad to hear it to put these speculations down. Please?

I don't know the lore well enough. I personally would love to have alliance shaman and horde paladins (of course the synergistic effects they could have working with each other might be a little out of balance I'd need to think more about it). However is there anyway to get blood elf paladins by the lore we know?

Is there any connection in the lore to add the paladin as a class to an existing horde race (tauren paladins? orc paladins? troll paladins O.o? I can't see forsaken ever being paladins, they were forsaken by the light)? That would just allow Blizzard to skirt the issue a little. It would open the door for adding a healing class to the gnomes who have been living with the dwarves so long now that they picked it up and finally give the only race in the game without healers a healer.

Dunno. I can't answer you questions, just ask some more. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by Kevin - 04-18-2006, 04:03 PM
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lfd - 04-18-2006, 11:59 PM

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