Rogue Bugs in 1.10
Here's a paste of the first post in a popular Rogue topic right now (stickied by Coriel today):

Quote: This is a post to compile all the things that were either broken by the 1.10 patch or not working as intended.

This is not a post to complain about what was changed and what wasn't changed, or to complain about changes included in the patch notes - IE, mounting/hearthing breaking stealth.

Please reply if you find a new bug directly rogue related, and if you can confirm a bug somebody else has posted (if nobody else has) that would be great too.

Please do NOT reply with "Blizz hates rogues!" "NERF ROUGES(sic)!" "They'll just ignore you!" etc. Try to keep this post constructive. The better we know what the problems are, the less work the devs have to do to find the problem and fix them, which means quicker fixes.
1. Seal Fate (CONFIRMED)
The sound associated with a Seal Fate proc (a blood splatter) is now playing inconsistently or late (up to a second or so after the initial crit). The combo point added from the proc is also being added up to a second after the proc. Pre-1.10 the sound and the combo point were added instantly.

2. Damage Procs + Gouge (CONFIRMED)
Procs from trinkets such as Maelstrom and Blazefury Medalion now break gouge if they proc off the gouge. Weapon procs (lobotomizer) and enchantment procs (fiery) also break gouge. Unknown whether sword spec procs break gouge yet. Still spotty on whether this is due to server lag or an actual bug, and whether or not it was fixed in the hotfix last night.

3. Relentless Strikes (CONFIRMED)
Relentless Strike bonus energy is not always being applied even when the combat log states it is. This appears to be due to the energy bonus being applied before the finisher energy is deducted. Therefore, if you 5 point kidney shot while at 100 energy, you will end up with 75 energy (100+25=100 due to maximum energy, then 100-25 = 75.) If you 5 point kidney shot at 50 energy (50+25=75, 75-25=50) you'll get the full benefit.

4. Vanish (CONFIRMED)
Vanishing in PVP is allowing autoattacks from the opponent directly after vanish, instantly breaking stealth if they swing right after the rogue vanishes. This is happening at a far greater rate than it used to.

4b. Vanish "interrupts" (Unconfirmed)
Vanishing while spells are in the air (frostbolt, fireball, etc.) no longer causes spells to fail. Instead the spell will hit and break stealth. This seems to happen only during a certain time during the spell - needs more research

4c. Vanish not removing player from combat/Aggro list(CONFIRMED)
Just experienced this personally on razorgore. Pre-patch, vanish on a boss fight would take you out of combat, if only for the split second until the in combat pulse started. Now, I never even went out of combat. Not a huge deal, EXCEPT this may mean you don't actually drop off their aggro list. Note I didn't have aggro at the time, and was actually out of LOS of razorgore, so I wasn't detected, just never dropped combat.
UPDATE: Vanish was also not clearing aggro on numerous occasions in molten core - both on trash and bosses. I pulled aggro on a giant (oops), vanished, ambush, and instantly had aggro again... on a target with 20% hp left and a tank and other dpsers on it. Also noticed this in on ragnaros, which severely gimped my DPS.

5. Slice and Dice (CONFIRMED)
SnD is still making two sounds when activated, and appears to still be able to miss or be blocked/parried.
If SnD is used just before a mob dies, the animation/sound will play but the player will not recieve the buff.

6. Imp Kick (CONFIRMED)
Interupting a spell with IMP KICK ONLY now no longer prevents casters from using that school of magic for 5 seconds, only the global 2 second silence. Normal kick is working as intended, and still has the 5 sec school of magic silence.

7. Ruthlessness (CONFIRMED)
Ruthelessness is adding the bonus combo point after a short delay occasionally instead of instantly, much like seal fate.

***8. Distract (CONFIRMED)
Distracting an opponent (at least PVP, haven't tried PVE yet) will turn their character but NOT their front/back settings. IE, if somebody is facing away from you, you distract them to face you, you can then ambush their face. Try it, its kind of fun.

9b. Distract/Lightning shield (CONFIRMED)
Lightning shields on MOBS ONLY are proccing on distract/pickpocket. Lightning shields on players do NOT proc, as tested by myself on 2 shamans earlier today.

10. Stealth detection (Unconfirmed)
Players are complaining about some changes to stealth. Many say that mobs are seeing them from much further away than usual, and either turning or aggroing. In addition,the whelps in the BWL suppression room now see through stealth, where they never detected it before.

11. Dual wielding two of the same weapon (Unconfirmed)
Dual wielding two of the same weapon (IE, rank 14 daggers in both hands) is causing random global cooldowns. Apparently the weapons are switching hands. Unknown trigger, needs more research.

12. Detect traps not showing traps (Unconfirmed)
I know some functionality with detect traps was changed, but now it seems to be completely useless. whereas before we'd see all traps within 30 yards or so, now I'm not seeing them most of hte time until I'm standing right on top of them. Will test further if I get a chance.


Quote: This post is for rumors that are NOT true. If a "bug" above is confirmed false, it will be moved here.

1. Sprint breaks stealth (CONFIRMED FALSE)
2. Sunder armor and expose armor stack (CONFIRMED FALSE)

I'm not sure about Vanish's deaggro, because the MT took a Wing Buffet or two on Saturday and I didn't pull aggro (after I had vanished), and I was at least above all the listed warriors in KTM. Also didn't pull aggro on Vael, which would be a major accomplishment without Vanish working.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

Messages In This Thread
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-03-2006, 09:49 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Treesh - 04-03-2006, 10:08 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Kevin - 04-03-2006, 10:27 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-03-2006, 10:40 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Treesh - 04-04-2006, 01:11 AM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-04-2006, 02:35 AM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Treesh - 04-04-2006, 03:37 AM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Raven Vale - 04-04-2006, 09:25 AM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by castille - 04-04-2006, 12:42 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-05-2006, 10:09 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Mavfin - 04-05-2006, 10:36 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Skandranon - 04-05-2006, 11:08 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-05-2006, 11:14 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Skandranon - 04-05-2006, 11:14 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-05-2006, 11:21 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Ruvanal - 04-05-2006, 11:39 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Quark - 04-18-2006, 12:06 PM
Rogue Bugs in 1.10 - by Rinnhart - 04-18-2006, 01:10 PM

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