05-13-2003, 08:00 PM
I made point about physical issues in that its reasonable not ask any 9 year old to do heavy work. etc
Bull. Ask a 9 year old to do heavy work? Heavy for whom? A mid 20's weight lifter or for a child of 9? By that (lack of) reasoning, should heavy work be asked of anyone?
You clearly DID NOT read my follow up where I explained the question.
And you clearly did not read my post about thinking before posting. If you needed as second post to clarify your question, then your question wasn't worth a crap for a poll, was it?
It appears you do not know what the word discriminate means.
I know what the damned word means. I also know how it has been used for over forty years now. It has long since come to mean "select against unfairly". Just like "gay" no longer means "happy". Just like "dumb" no longer means "mute". Perhaps you think you know, but so far *you* are the one that has been clueless of how words are actually used. Maybe it is this ignorance that makes what you say sound so stupid. Perhaps not. Maybe there is a more fundamental reason.
Feel free to reply. Just as I feel free to add you to my idiot list and ignore you.
I made point about physical issues in that its reasonable not ask any 9 year old to do heavy work. etc
Bull. Ask a 9 year old to do heavy work? Heavy for whom? A mid 20's weight lifter or for a child of 9? By that (lack of) reasoning, should heavy work be asked of anyone?
You clearly DID NOT read my follow up where I explained the question.
And you clearly did not read my post about thinking before posting. If you needed as second post to clarify your question, then your question wasn't worth a crap for a poll, was it?
It appears you do not know what the word discriminate means.
I know what the damned word means. I also know how it has been used for over forty years now. It has long since come to mean "select against unfairly". Just like "gay" no longer means "happy". Just like "dumb" no longer means "mute". Perhaps you think you know, but so far *you* are the one that has been clueless of how words are actually used. Maybe it is this ignorance that makes what you say sound so stupid. Perhaps not. Maybe there is a more fundamental reason.
Feel free to reply. Just as I feel free to add you to my idiot list and ignore you.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?