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Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: The Lurker Lounge (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-4.html) +--- Forum: The Lounge (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-12.html) +--- Thread: Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? (/thread-11381.html) |
Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 I think this was the real question that should have been asked, in the last poll. Whether or not someone is "mature" is a subjective assesment. And it is an assesmrnt we would make when we consider how we should value an individuals opinions and choices. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Occhidiangela - 05-13-2003 Discriminate by age in 'What Endeavour'? Question is, IMO, too general. So I answered yes, because in _some_ cases it is reasonable. :) Sale of alcohol? Licensing for driving? Licensing for sale of fire arms? Conscription? Cashing in on Social Security benefits? Reporting of child delivery? (note: Here in Texas, it is state law that a physician report any child birth to a woman whose conception date (counting backwards from date of delivery) preceeds her 16th birthday. The state has ruled that such birth is pretty basic evidence, absent premature birth, of statutory rape. To say that some hospitals to not follow the law is to say that the Rio Grande is a river. :) ) I don't think your question is what Obi was getting at in his poll. My reading of his question was that it dealt with common assumptions regarding age and behavioral maturity. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 What you are getting actually demostrates my position on this issue(I hadnt mentioned it till now.) Societies pick an arbitrary age and and pronounce idividuals "adult" at that point. This is the point we say - society now considers their opinions/choices valid. No its not actually fair in any particular siuation, but it is fair in that it gives all individuals a an equal oppertunity. It also helps to prevent the exploitation of some young people who think they are capabale of making some desisions - but are not. There is no reason that if a child is bad at making serious choices tp suspect they are any better at making inane choices.(note I never said all children are bad at making choices.) So I am asking is it fair to do the same on an idividual basis - I say yes. I frequently use age as substitute for an interview when estimating a young person. I dont always do this, but when its handy for me, I do. Also I think you "assumption on behavioral maturity" is the same as my "value an individuals opinions and choices". Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - --Pete - 05-13-2003 Hi, Another ambiguous poll. Using a poorly framed question and a "yes"/"no" response to elicit a discussion because you are too lazy or stupid to just post a carefully thought out and expressed opinion comes damned close to trolling. Age discrimination??? Now that's a real smooth way to load the question. Is sex discrimination OK? Oh, wait, how about in having a baby? Are age requirements OK? Well, nature seems to think so. You learn to walk, talk, etc. as you get older. Children can't have children for reason. Is the fact that a two year old can't get pregnant discrimination? Does the question even make sense? Are you smoking pot? Had a bit too much to drink? Misplaced your brain? Or just what is your problem? --Pete Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 Ummmm no. I made point about physical issues in that its reasonable not ask any 9 year old to do heavy work. etc. You clearly DID NOT read my follow up where I explained the question. EDIT: I reread your post. It appears you do not know what the word discriminate means. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Occhidiangela - 05-13-2003 A risky sport for some, yet not as risky for some others due to their fine sense of judgement and their ability to _discriminate_ between a viable course of action and a foolishly risky one that virtually guarantees a mauling. While age won't guarantee the acquisition of such fine judgement, experience often hones one's judgement regarding risk / reward choices and strategies. Did you bring your Nomex briefs? :D Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - --Pete - 05-13-2003 Hi, I made point about physical issues in that its reasonable not ask any 9 year old to do heavy work. etc Bull. Ask a 9 year old to do heavy work? Heavy for whom? A mid 20's weight lifter or for a child of 9? By that (lack of) reasoning, should heavy work be asked of anyone? You clearly DID NOT read my follow up where I explained the question. And you clearly did not read my post about thinking before posting. If you needed as second post to clarify your question, then your question wasn't worth a crap for a poll, was it? It appears you do not know what the word discriminate means. I know what the damned word means. I also know how it has been used for over forty years now. It has long since come to mean "select against unfairly". Just like "gay" no longer means "happy". Just like "dumb" no longer means "mute". Perhaps you think you know, but so far *you* are the one that has been clueless of how words are actually used. Maybe it is this ignorance that makes what you say sound so stupid. Perhaps not. Maybe there is a more fundamental reason. Feel free to reply. Just as I feel free to add you to my idiot list and ignore you. --Pete Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 Pete the physical disclaimer was there so trolls wouldnt go on about how its obviously reasonable to exspect a little ked to work lke an adult - Im not sure why this bothers you. The poll is exactly what it says. But Im sure you feel your skillful use of profanity proves other wise. The word has an several meanings - none of them involve being unfair. That is why race(and sexual) are so notable. Its critia being used that makes them unfair. Im asking here is "age" is also unfair. This is a simple straight foward concept - too bad your haveing sucjh a tough time. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 I dont feel to endangered by his off topic inferences and nasty language Occi :) I think thats all he used there. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Occhidiangela - 05-13-2003 Short for Occhidiangela is Occhi, as it would mean "eyes" as a short for 'angeleyes' or short for 'eyes of the angel.' Just as short for Ghostiger would be Ghost, or Tiger, not Gost or Tigr. :) All that is a "For what it's worth," since that nom de Lounge is not an English word, or for that matter an Italian word! In Italian, it should actually read Occhidiangelo, or Occhi di angelo. :) Ciao, Ghost, a domani. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Elric of Grans - 05-13-2003 Hail Ghostiger, "The word has an several meanings - none of them involve being unfair." My dictionary disagrees. One of the definitions is "treat unfairly." Enough said. This thread is already skidding on the edge of a pointless flame war: if it doesn't shape up into a productive thread, rather than just another chance for you three to fight, I'm going to have to lock it and ask the three of you to take it to email. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Raz - 05-13-2003 Quote:The word has an several meanings - none of them involve being unfair. According to: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=discriminate dis·crim·i·nate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-skrm-nt) v. dis·crim·i·nat·ed, dis·crim·i·nat·ing, dis·crim·i·nates v. intr. To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available. To make sensible decisions; judge wisely. To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice: was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Occhidiangela - 05-13-2003 While I am making points counter to some other points, I am trying to keep my tone light. I have done far worse, an been far less civil in other threads, without your needing to lock them. (If I am not one of The Three you refer to, then by all means spank me for my presumption!) Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 I see. But in my defense... There are indeed many cases where discrimination is unfair that is why it can be so terrible. But in some cases (such as the the example I gave earlier in this thread). This specific unfairness is superceded by a genneral fairness. But you have a good point. However it is worth noting, that is the last or next to last in series of defintions. I Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Guest - 05-13-2003 I think I have been civil, even polite and Occhi too. PS: Your right I looked again at my dictionary, but the negative defintion is the 4th or 5th one so I dont think it a really is problem with the original poll. Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - --Pete - 05-13-2003 Hi, if it doesn't shape up into a productive thread, rather than just another chance for you three to fight, I'm going to have to lock it and ask the three of you to take it to email. Well, Occhi and that other person both claim they are not fighting. And I've left the field, at least as far as that person is concerned, since I can hardly reply to posts I will not bother reading. But do as you see fit. I think both polls should have been nuked to begin with, they are both pointless and flame bait. But "Avoid hotbutton issues" is your rule, not mine. --Pete Is it reasonable to discriminate by age? - Wiccan - 05-14-2003 Age dont mater as long as you go by your countries legal age and working papers then if they say "we went with some one with more experince" then i would say yes |