Charging Paladin
Hmm, where to start. These guys seem neat..hows this build sound
20 charge
20 might
20 vigor
20 fanatacism
and as much into holy shield after all those as i possibly can.
If i can ever get my hands on a shaeffers hammer ill start this paladin. Couple quick questions though
Unless my vision is wrong..does charge speed go way up with run walk speed?
As far as stats go, i figured 100 base dex is enough, or too much? Does anyone have a 1.1 build for a chargadin? What is your build like, what weapons do ya use? Just curious..chargers seem like they could do quite well.
well chargers can be played in different ways and there are a few things to notice!

I am not shure about all the mecanisms of a charge, and if there is new ones. But the speed of the charge is pr 1.09 (as far as i know) affected by Vigor but not by other increase in runspeed!

Fanatism is an option , but because the increase attacked speed is not used with charge its not that obvius (I don't know if its changed , and I don't know when attack missed and a swing is displayed though?)! And you might aswell use your skillpoints different! Because Vigor does effect the charge by making it faster, it is (IMHO) alot more important than a relative little more damage. And if wanting more you already have the might aura with a reasonable damageboost.
this doesn't mean that fanatism can't be used with zeal or other attack skills or for party benefits, but for sole use of charge its not worth it!

but what then to use the 20 exstra skill points on, holy shield, a few in zeal (and fanatism), blessed hammer, venegance, or an elemental damage aura, or conviction? There is quite a few options. I have not settled for anything yet!

Beware of the charge bug(s).
1) the first stuck you in place , (you'll get out with weapen switch and happends way to often)
2)the second I experience is not being able to target anything with a charge(needs a log out and in again to be solved, happends rather rare though)

Just for that reason my charger is more or less on the hold! But I really enjoy him as a support character, with malice runeword trying to hit all monsters one time and let the party grind them down, and then charge in to make the final kill with a big 2-hander. And offcause chargelock bosses out, oh and btw running around with salvation to be a real supporter!
Might and vigor are charge synergies. Fanatacism is the highest damage increasing aura for the paladin. That said, holy crap charge is fast in 1.10. I think vigor would be best in PvP. In PvM, you can use whatever you want. You're going to have well over +1300% damage, so another 400 from fanatacism isn't that groundbreaking. And you will have might already as a synergy, giving about half as much as fanatacism.

Hard to say, really. You could use conviction to improve your AR chances and be more party friendly, holy freeze to slow things down, defiance to make yourself unhittable, etc.

I suppose I havn't answered much in the way of the original questions.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.
Nahh you guys have both been helpful, gave me things to think about. Now if some people could list a bunch of good charger weapons lol. Id like to get my hands on a shaeffers hammer, but im having trouble doing so. I have an ohmed cranium basher, but i dont wanna go 2 handed, and i dont want to try getting that must strength on a paladin.
A strong chargadin can now get as much as 20x damage multiplier from the skills ED level.

With a big 500 dmg 2-hander, that's 10k physical damage a swing. Cannot be frozen will be a MUST in hell, though.

Does anybody know if you can start a charge with vigor on and then switch to fanat just before the hit?
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Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 21:9

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 25:24
I was wondering if wasting the strength would be worth wasting..because i have an ohmed cranium basher with 700 top end damage on it..any thoughts? There would than be no reason for herald of zakarum.. How much dex should i get?
Heck yeah, Cranium Basher and Herald of Zak is a lethal combo... ;)

Seriously I'd consider an Ik maul. Knockback is very useful for a charger because it keeps enemies off you, thus giving you the range required to charge. The damage is good and the IAS will make your "attack recovery" time quicker (how long the hit itself takes) allowing you to get more charges in. 700 damage is nice, but definitely not necessary. I've played paladins with ~150 damage weapons in hell and had no problem, of course this was 1.09 but all things are still relative to eachother.

-Wapptor (make sure to use HoZ with that Ik maul =P)
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
Thought id point out that Cranium basher is a two handed weapon..though i wish it was one. So cant use HoZ with it lol. Id be up for trading my ohmed cranium basher for a clean Shaeffers hammer. Anyone who is up for that can lemme know as well. Anyhow, any more ideas on nice weaps for chargers?

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