Favorite/Best finds
Dark Vengance
Takhisis's brooding consort is an explosive personality who plots against her about as often as he works with her. Sargonnas influences vengeance, destruction, intrigue, volcanoes, fire and deserts. His colors are red and black. Spheres of influence include chaos, thought; numbers and war.
I'll leave the flaming for the above post to somebody else.

Anyways, has anybody ever gotten an indestructible thinking cap using Hidden Shrines? Just wonderin...

My best finds:... can't remember any, cuz I haven't been playing long...I think I found some sort of Strange Bastard Sword of Speed, back when I was playing an illegit character...like 2 years ago...
"I'll leave the flaming for the above post to somebody else."

Be afraid, be VERY afraid.

Ok, now seriously my best find would be lots and lots of blues so my Naked Mage doesn't have to buy any. Unfortunately buying blues is NOT tax deductable.

Vengeance is Righteous,
Dark Vengance
Takhisis's brooding consort is an explosive personality who plots against her about as often as he works with her. Sargonnas influences vengeance, destruction, intrigue, volcanoes, fire and deserts. His colors are red and black. Spheres of influence include chaos, thought; numbers and war.
NakedMage101.5,Nov 5 2003, 12:43 PM Wrote:I think I found some sort of Strange Bastard Sword of Speed, back when I was playing an illegit character...like 2 years ago...
Impossible. Strange is qlvl 60 and can only be bought at Wirt. Also, "Of Speed" is not a valid suffix for that preffix.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
Quote:Impossible. Strange is qlvl 60 and can only be bought at Wirt. Also, "Of Speed" is not a valid suffix for that preffix

Like I said, it was awhile ago. I don't have a terribly good memory. Sorry about my foolish mistake.

The Soulstone?

Didn't know how widely revealed that should be as the Readme just says "replaced with something...."

"The enchantment types it generates are probably anything that can appear on helms, with the qlvl determined by dlvlx2 (dlvl on which it was found). Anyway, its purpose is just a goof, but if you collect all of the Crypt novelty items . . ."

So, its supposed to get enchants??

Found Deadly Hunter (you must have 'adjusted' the qlvl as I found it in normChurch), and to answer the HFF Readme: 2 non-working enchantments.
Found it with my Rouge Rogue, thought it would be Fleshstinger or FlameDart or whatever, here it's actually (kinda) useful. Certain enchants not-withstanding.

If you spliced in the "of the Jester's" suffix than it would be 3, and with Jester's it would have the highest THEORETICAL damage output of any weapon in existance...

Also found The Deflector!
I found the rare unique bow "Celestial Bow" about 2 months ago. :)
The item not on my list that I've been looking for for a while is a set of Gold Jewlery of the Heaven (altough one would make me quite happy already :) ) to use with my LAW. Ok, I'm not saying my KSoH isn't satistying me, but I've been wanting to use that damned CC for a while, those BK's won't know what hit 'em!!
That's quite a find! Restores my faith in a loving Murphy.

Yee, do you remember where it dropped and what dropped it?

I still cherish Sabra's Awesome Full Plate of Harmony, not because it's any big thing, but because of how unbelievably long it took to find it.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Thanks for the great feedback everyone! :D
Sabra, the Celestial Bow was droped by a regular monster on level 2 in a hell game. I was using chain lightning so I can't tell exactly which monster droped it, only know that it was not a unique monster.
TFOS!!!! found it last night.

King's bastard sword of carnage!!!

2 scavenger carapace.

massive broad sword of slaying (+104%, +7)

Jade ring of the tiger (+27% +49)

Naj's puzzler 3 times

a few bonesaw's

Royal circlet

As you can see, I don't find a lot of good stuff.
Do unto others before they do unto you
Lelorinel,Nov 8 2003, 08:02 PM Wrote:As you can see, I don't find a lot of good stuff.
A good player will still manage with low-end equipment. :)

If you haven't already seen it, read "The Bare Necessites" by Armin, that column is pretty right on with what each class needs to be playable.

Oh, and don't give up! You're bound to find some better stuff if you play lots! :D
man, now I'm tempted to fire up my old old hard drive, lol.....

Really, the best sword I found but couldn't use was a

Kings Great Sword of Haste. ;)

I also had a Kings Bastard Sword of Haste and a Kings Broad Sword of Haste. The broad sword version dealt more damage so I used it.

I also had a Kings Dagger of Haste, heh heh.

Every character I used had a Royal Circlet. I'd used many other helms over the years, but I always seemed to come back to the Royal Circlet.

My Mage usually bore a DreamFlange unless I was in Hell/Hell. At that point, I would often switch blades.

Jewelry was a favourite collectable for me. The best find I ever recieved was an obsidian of the zodiac. I found it playing solo. Most of what I found were items a little less in quality. But, with a lvl 48 Warrior, 49 Sorcerer, and a whole bunch of mid 40's characters, you know I found a lot.

The armor for my melee character was an awesome fullplate of the stars. I honestly can't remember whether I finished my last game with that plate or another one equiped, though.

I had many shields over my time playing. But, I usually went back to the Stormshield.
Right now, I'm not concerned with items. I'm currently working through the spellbook so that my Sorc has enough occult magery to put a hole in the planet.

But undoubtably my most fond find was an Immolator. Not because it's a good staff (It isn't), and not because I really needed it (I didn't), but because at that time I was playing a BAR character, and had bragged in channel that he could find a unique item every game. Someone took me up on that, and I had to slog all the way down to Leoric before that popped, saving my ass.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
A Jagged Bow of the Bear. It was probably the first weapon my rogue found that stayed with her throughout the game. It wasn't that great in terms of damage, but it knocked Diablo all over the screen, which is rather what I wanted.
Greetings Kali Magdalene and all fellow lurkers,

I just found Windforce in Hellfire yesterday, Sir Gorash (was that his name?) dropped it for my lvl 38 monk Bemn-Zaridaral in lvl 16 / hell.
What's good about it? Well, I've always been fond of that bow, my first rogue used to have one and dude - I loved it.
Because this is hellfire I'm playing, I can use the 'Cornerstone Of The World' effect and give it to my beloved new lvl 12 rogue. Will be great fun.

How does it say? 'And in the year of the golden light, it was so decreed that a great cathedral be raised...'

PS: Lachdanan was the Captain of King Leorics Knights. Not guards, and not leader, leutenant or sth. else. Just to clarify it, for I 've heard different opinions even here at the lurkerlounge. I heard Lachdanans speech just yesterday and it IS definitely 'captain of knights'.

EDIT: Lachdanan info referring to:

"6. Lachdanan is/was:
c. The Captain of the Guards"
- solution to his own quiz, provided by Attika, in October of this year, I think
EDIT end.

PPS: Glad to see that the lounge is back!

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
It's literally been years since I've played the game looking for normal items (since I have only played BNR the last couple years) but I'll try to remember some of the good stuff.

I found a 34/20 Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac back in Feb or March '97. It was on a cheated character so I ended up throwing that one away.
I've found plenty of other nice jewels (which I can't remember now) but that was probably the top find.

My Useless Bow of swiftness is one of my favorite finds. I forget which one of my characters found that, but I definitely would have used it if I could find enough hidden shrines for it.

My first purist character (a rogue... 90% of my characters are rogues) found a king's bastard sword of speed, 175/96. This would normally be a great find but Stu(Pure) usually did hell runs and it's only useful against dogs in hell thanks to Civerb's Cudgel.

Speaking of CC's, I've found dozens of them. The best has to be the time I've found one in the 2nd barrel to the left of the stairs on dlvl 1. I've had games where I've found two (non game-duped) CCs too but I've never found one for Stu(BNR).

I'm sure I have plenty more item stories but those are the only interesting ones that I can remember.
Stu,Dec 4 2003, 04:52 AM Wrote:I've had games where I've found two (non game-duped) CCs too but I've never found one for Stu(BNR).
Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't BNRs (Beyond Naked Rogue) only supposed to use cursed equipment (I think the variant guidelines suggest using a non-cursed bow)? So a BNR would have no use for a CC, right?
"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes."
-- Ford Prefect
The guidelines said non-cursed weapon. I haven't read the guidelines in a while, but I'm pretty sure I remember checking with the wording to see if a CC was ok.

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