Online play
I actually hopped on a few times over the past weak (finnally, school is starting to chill out as I get used to my schedual) and Alas when I last posted I had lost most of my characters. I started a Naked Mage named "TheFinalMage" on USEast and played consistent pubby games. I love public games and I love to coop with people, newb or experienced alike. Alot of you lurkers don't even play on anymore because you either play MOD's or you do play on just in private games or by arrangement and such.

What I'm getting at is, who here still plays actively on Who here still takes joy in playing the original games with non-variant characters? Are there anyone here that have only been playing for 2-3 years like me?

Just wondering...

Vengeance is Righteous,
Dark Vengance
Takhisis's brooding consort is an explosive personality who plots against her about as often as he works with her. Sargonnas influences vengeance, destruction, intrigue, volcanoes, fire and deserts. His colors are red and black. Spheres of influence include chaos, thought; numbers and war.
The last time I played regularly on was when 1.07 was the latest version. 1.08 killed it for me and I have never logged on to since. Not to mention they locked all Diablo 1 players out of private channels. I remember playing with alot of people over the years... Kinda hard to believe it's been almost 6 years.

I'm on often enough. Lately I've been playing StarCraft and Day of Defeat, but every now and then I sneak in a couple hours.

I got the game around 3 years ago, so not too far from when you got it.
But I told that kid a hundred times "Don't take the Lakes for granted.
They go from calm to a hundred knots so fast they seem enchanted."
But tonight some red-eyed Wiarton girl lies staring at the wall,
And her lover's gone into a white squall.
Wow, I actually got my D2 back so I'm playing that now. I love the new synergies and stuff and I'm thinking that it's gonna be a few more months before I play D1 again.

Heh, later.
Dark Vengance
Takhisis's brooding consort is an explosive personality who plots against her about as often as he works with her. Sargonnas influences vengeance, destruction, intrigue, volcanoes, fire and deserts. His colors are red and black. Spheres of influence include chaos, thought; numbers and war.
I play a bit.

I'm "dontlookimnaked" on US East. (naked mage)
I also have a warrior, iliketobash, also on US East.
If you are looking for legits to play with on US East, you can try the legit channel "Diablo X", or clan channels such as "Diablo AngelsHaven" or "Diablo Bastion".

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