I'm BAAAA-aaack!
Hi guys!

Wow, I've been gone so long you deleted me. Elric, why'd you let them do that?

Oh well, at least I'm still me.

Got back from Japan about three months ago, but it took FOREVER to get my 'net service back up...and eliminate a little thing called win32blaster.exe. Yuck.

Of course, all that's just water under the bridge. I just realized the other night that in a three short years, my wife's going to be thirty.

And we haven't even CONSIDERED children yet.

Wow. At a paltry 25 years old, I'm starting to feel old...and think old, too! AAAUUUUGGGGH!!! (shut up, Charlie) *slap*

I'm sure I'm going to get a combination of witticisms and fatherly advice from Oochi, but that's okay, you're cool, and I welcome it.

Wow, whatever happened to Diablo? After finally getting my dream-machine (can you say 128 meg video, 1024 meg RAM, and 2.53 Ghz?), I got stuck on this island called Morrowind, and I just came up for air a few weeks ago. Wow.

So here I am rambling again. Seriously though, I think I've lost the will to point-and-click Big D to death. Heck, I stopped playing video games almost all together. Haven't even touched Morrowind in, oh, two weeks. I've been to busy doing research.

Research? Am I going to college now? No. I just figured out how to make money doing what I love. It just requires a fertile imagination, some patience at the keyboard, and the drive to work on it every day. All of which I have. I'm going to write D&D books for a living, if it is at all humanly possible. Ultimately, I'd like to design my own PPRPG and start my own company, and I already have a few trusted friends on board, jotting down their ideas and communicating.

But is this what I want? Yes and no. It's not that I feel a higher calling to do this, it's just that it's fun. And I love to have fun. Why else should I be alive? Anything to make ends meet (without hurting anyone), pay the bills, and have fun, I decided. Whatever it takes, as long as it's fun.

So, what have I missed in my year of absence? Besides not seeing The Matrix Reloaded in theatres, that is.

By the by, anybody have a good recipe for Curry? I lived on Curry and Hire Tonkatsu out in Japan. And does anyone know where I can order some Prikinu? Those are Thai hot peppers for anyone that wants to know, and they're right up there with habaneros. I love 'em.

Well, that's all I can think of in a nutshell, just thought I'd drop in and say high.

Hee hee
"How heroic. How compassionate. How selfless. I think I'm going to be sick."
-Skeletorr, the new HE-MAN
My brother's (the gourmet) recipe for Chicken curry (made in a Wok pan)

"The Marinade"
* A dash of olive oil
* the juice of 2 squeezed oranges
* 3 table spoons of curry
* 1/2 tea spoon of ceyenne pepper
* Some salt (quite much actually)
* Some pepper (not so much but still enough to make you wonder)
* 1-2 table spoons of sugar
* 1 finely chopped chilli

"What the bloody hell do I do now?"

Slice and dice strips of filet of chicken. You'll either want small strips or small cubes. (they don't have to be geometrically correct.) You don't want large pieces of chicken as they'll take forever to cook, and they really don't go with the dish.

After you've sliced and diced your chicken filets, insert said filet parts in said marinade and move them about a bit so they get coated with the stuff.

While they're lying in the fridge, having fun in the marinade you do the following:

* Finely slice 2 onions and 1 .. damn, I don't know the English word for it. Here, have a picture.

[Image: purre1.jpg]

2 onions and one of these green/white-things. Finely slice them into little bits and mix them in a bowl.

* Do the same with 1 red pepper (the vegetable)

The mixing of the bits and pieces, rated R.
Heat your Wok-pan till it's frighteningly hot. Add marinade-coated chicken pieces. When they're cooked (and make sure they -are-), place them in "orbit" on the side of the pan. You don't them in the middle. They shouldn't be near the middle after they're cooked.. In the middle, you put your chopped onion and [Image: purre1.jpg]

After about 15-20 minutes of frying the onion-mix-thingie throw in the marinade you used earlier. You'll also want to throw in 1 small can of pineapple juice while stirring, little by little. Add 1 litre of cream, (don't know the English/American measure-system, sorry.) 1 "plucked" broccoli.. meaning you chopped the broccoli into smaller pieces; but not so small you can fit more than 1 or 2 in your mouth simultaniously. In the end you'll also add another chopped pepper. (either yellow or redd).

Bring the stuff to a boil. Season it with salt and sugar to get the right taste. Serve with regular rice. If it's not spicy enough you can season it with curry as well after it's served. (if you're not too posh) :)

This will serve 3-4 people for two days; or 2 people for 2 days, if it's just you and your brother and this is the only thing you'll eat for 2 days.

Remember to pack some tissue paper as you'll most likely get a runny nose while eating this.


As for Morrowind... be sure to check out our thread here on the Lounge. It's quite extensive.

And welcome back!
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Wow, Thanx, Angel.

Don't know if I'll do the broccoli thing, since I can't stand cooked broccoli...any suggestions for replacements?

And hot is good. Those little peppers I mentioned? Yeah, the people in Thailand thought I was crazy when I asked them to mince three extra into my Basil Chicken and my Green Curry. After I finished them off, they gave me all the beer I could drink.

I needed it. :blink:

As for those green things, they're either chives (green onions) or, more likely due to the size of them, leeks, which are a fairly mild oniony thing.

As for a liter, well, it's close enough to a "quart" that I shouldn't have a problem. There are four quarts to a gallon, and 3.8 liters to a gallon. Do the math.

Thanx agian
"How heroic. How compassionate. How selfless. I think I'm going to be sick."
-Skeletorr, the new HE-MAN
You needn't worry about the broccoli. Everything tastes like curry anyway. It's just there for texture. At least give it a try. If you don't like the broccolie, I'm sure no one will force-feed them to you ;)

"Leek." I knew it was a short word. I remembered it looked nothing like the Norwegian equivalent. (which is "purreløk") It's not a word I frequently use.

mmmm.. hungry now.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
If that's a leek, I've been eating something very strange at sunday dinner.

You don't prepare leek's by chopping them into little bits either - it's just wouldn't work.

It's more than likely a spring onion

or maybe not, but it isn't a leek. (I'm a world authority on what is a leek and isn't - it's the national plant of my country ;) )



Newbie Thyme

hee hee? :unsure:

"How heroic. How compassionate. How selfless. I think I'm going to be sick."
-Skeletorr, the new HE-MAN
Lokishadow,Nov 5 2003, 11:37 PM Wrote:Don't know if I'll do the broccoli thing, since I can't stand cooked broccoli...any suggestions for replacements?
I don't know what's with the broccoli and why people have to cook it in a horrible way to make it edible.

Grab that lovely piece of fresh broccoli. Slice it up.

Get a grill pan (one of those pans that have small ridges over it), put a drop of oil (not much or you'll get a lot of smoke), put the sliced, washed broccoli there. What for it to cook, it takes a while. Until the small leaves start to look crispy.

Put on plate, add a nice amount of fine-grade olive oil (Spaniard if you can, Carbonell or Borges, italian could do too, but make sure it's good olive oil). Add salt. Eat. Enjoy.
Aye, we have 2 in Wales:
The leek and the Daffodil.

Bob,Nov 6 2003, 10:29 PM Wrote:Aye, we have 2 in Wales:
The leek and the Daffodil.

I never knew that... what an amazing piece of info to sprout randomly with no point at school...

By the way, where do you live?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Nov 5 2003, 05:22 PM][Image: purre1.jpg]
Looks like a green onion to me.
And now for a totally random post.

DeeBye, your sig is awesome.


I need to stop procrastinating and do something about the "WL" logo I've been meaning to do. Eh, maybe tomorrow.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
It's 10 November, and IIRC, you fix(ed) Hornet in The Corps. I am guessing you were at Iwakuni, hope you enjoyed it. The time I spent at Atsugi was interesting, to say the least, my wife visited me there for a week and we had a blast in Tokyo and Kamakura> Yes I once flew over Mount Fujii in a helicopter. Got the t-shirt, so to speak. :)

Semper Fi, Happy Birthday, Marine, and welcome back Lokishadow! :)

You feel old? EEP, what does that make me? A fossil? Yep! :D

OBTW: Best of luck on the stories and the PPRPG, if you make a good one, I guarantee you I will buy it, as good ones are hard to find.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
(Sorry ... Couldn't help myself.)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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