King Leoric
How do I get this quest? I have not had it in a long while. I have reloaded many times trying to get ogden to mention it, with no luck.
Keeper of Nightworld

In multi-player you will always get King Leoric as well as the Butcher, Lazarus and Diablo. You'll get those four and no more. Thus, I conclude you're talking about single player.

In single player you always get Chamber of Bone, Lazarus, and Diablo. The other quests are chosen at random according to the following table:

One from Leoric, Poisoned Water
Two from Butcher, Gharbad, Tavern Sign
Two from Magic Rock, Valor, Halls of the Blind
Two from Zhar, Mushroom, Anvil
One from Warlord, Lachdanan

So you get a total of 11 out of the 16 in any one game. The quests are determined at the time the game is created, so no amount of reloading will change what quests you have.

Whether you have two of the quests can be determined in town before going into the dungeons. If you have the Poisoned Water quest, the well next to Cain will be brown instead of blue. If you have the Butcher, the wounded townsman will be right outside the church. Looking at the list above, you can see that if the water in the well is blue, you'll have Leoric. And if there is no wounded townsman, you'll have Gharbad and Tavern Sign.

If you start a new character and are picky of the quests you'll get, simply start new games until the in town markers are the way you want them.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

All Hail Diablo Lord of Terror

Thanks for the info that helps me a lot. Going to start a new game and try what you listed.

Keeper of Nightworld
I find that the water is more dirty yellow than brown and I was never in doubt about how exactly the demons went about doing the deed ;)
I have the same feeling with Goat Shrines. You know that it is impossible to identify what a Goat Shrine does until you access it, so you always bear the risk of getting a Fascinating, Ornate, Sacred, or a Mysterious shrine effect when you touch one. Those are risks one should not care to take.

When you open a chamber containing a Goat Shrine, you'll find a bunch of Goats around it. Take that in conjunction with the shrine's appearance and the implication is clear: its a communal urinal.

You wouldn't dare touch one of these goat toilets, would you?
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

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