Did it move for you, too?
I'm on the fourth floor (that's the third to you Europeans :) ) and everything just started to sway. Everyone was looking out the window at the palm trees swaying.

More later...

-- CH
My Mom, who lives in the DC area, was in a 4.0 tremor. :) I guess Mother Nature is getting erotically stimulated, but what by I have no clue.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Having lived in Japan for quite a few years, anything below 5.0 is not worth even stopping for. Well, when you're not at school anyway.
Couldn't access CalTech or any other quake sites right after. (wonder why?) But finally got here:



(tons of aftershocks)

So it was a 6.5 just North of Cambria on the central CA coast. I have a friend who has a Celtic Arts shop in Cambria. (It's "The Yew Tree" - stop by if you're in the area.) I called - she's okay, but some amount of stuff went flying around. She said it was weird. The stack of CDs by the player didn't move, but a bunch of other CDs flew off the shelves. Naturally, the harps fell over. She was going to quickly sort through the shop then head home to check for damage there.

(edit add: it's on news.google.com at the moment)

-- CH

My dad 1-2 weeks ago was in North Carolina and experienced an earthquake too! :lol: Good stuff!
San Simeon is 150 miles north of here.

I'm guessing, no more than 4.2 or .3 here. CNN sez 6.5 at San Simeon.

Mild gentle rolling, I heard a transformer die off in the distance and the power flickered enough to make me reboot. Improper shutdown detected.

I spoke to a supplier in Santa Maria who told me stuff from the shelves was on the floor.

Hope no one was hurt!
Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
'Twas a 6.5, so I'll say people stopped.

And thank the gods it was an earthquake. I originally thought I was having an anuerysm.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
I felt the earthquake first hand. It was neat. I am only 60-70 south of the epicenter. I am in the city where Wacko Jacko is going to be tried. :blink: Yep I am in Santa Maria.
It was a very long earthquake. It was a "rolling quake". It started small. I was in the break room at work on my lunch eating lunch. I was talking to a friend and all of the sudden the table started to slightly shake and the ground started to feel like waves were going through. Kinda like you were on a waterbed. This lasted for about 10-15 secs. We kinda knew that it was a earthquake, but we did not go under desk, cause we didnt think that it was big or anything. Then the big shaking started to happen and we immediately dove under the table. Some people headed for the door to get under. After the shaking ended, we evacuated the building along with everyone in the building. I kinda wish I was out on the floor on the phone when it happened, so I could have told someone on the east coast, that we were having a earthquake.
Anyways, no damage at my apartment or my place of employment. I have not driven around town nor I have heard any confirmed reports of damage anywhere in town. The major damage has been in a town called Paso Robles which is just 20 miles south of the epicenter and is just 50 miles north of me.
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.
Marietta, Ohio here - didn't feel a thing. Nothing ever happens in this town. :(

Well, except the showdown at high noon tomorrow! I will wrassle my vidcard from that varmint, dagnabbit! :lol:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Yeah! Thas' my boy! Give 'im all hell, son! Go ahead start a brawl in them there crap hole of a saloon! Bash him upside the head with your 86 proof wiskey!
Rhydderch Hael,Dec 22 2003, 05:13 PM Wrote:'Twas a 6.5, so I'll say people stopped.

And thank the gods it was an earthquake. I originally thought I was having an anuerysm.
Nothing here.

You're not the only one who can't recognize an earthquake; a while ago in Delware, there was an earthquake and my parents thought that DuPont had blown up again. :P
CelticHound,Dec 22 2003, 08:15 PM Wrote:I'm on the fourth floor (that's the third to you Europeans :) )
Actually, here in Sweden it is the fourth too!!! :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Yep, here in Santa Barbara, it was more of a gentle rolling effect. I was working at the time and suddenly felt ill, like I might be getting dizzy, so I took a look around because I thought I could faint at any second when I saw everyone looking up. Curious, I then too looked up and saw the chandelers swaying about which was about the time I realized I was fine but the there was definatly something going on.

Later I heard two people died. I have mixed feelings on this; good because it was ONLY two people, but sad because two people lost their lives. I just hope the reconstruction proccess dosen't take too long.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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