Extract Preview Movies
Does anybody know how to extract Blizzard's preview movies hidden for example in the install.exe (StarcraftCD)?

Hmph. I wrote a huge technical tutorial dealing with extracting from MPQ files, but it wasn't needed.

The file you want is found in the Demo directory of your Diablo CD. It's called Blizdemo.exe. Double-click this and... Yes, it's the intro for StarCraft, callously pushed as a "demo" for the game. But it's an exe.

If you want to do anything at all with this file, then you'll need Smacker Tools. Point your browser at http://www.radgametools.com/smkdown.htm and scroll down. See the last download link? Old Smacker Tools? 1.9 megs? That's it. Download it. Don't worry about it expiring, it's completely free for you to use and abuse.

Download and install, then fire 'er up. Click on the "Graphics Processor" tab, ensure that the bottom-left combo box lists All files *.* and the box next to it has the drive where your Diablo CD is located, click on the Demo directory, then select blizdemo.exe, pick your output directory (This shouldn't be the CD drive, natch), your output format (Plenty to choose from here, MPG, AVI, even animated GIF and all the way down to frame-by-frame images) then click Convert. Now go and make a sandwich while the program weaves its magic.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Thanks for your efforts but it doesn't work, the program can't open the file (Blizdemo.exe).
I've used the Old Smacker Tools (1.9 megs) Graphics Processor tab as you said.

Is there no way to get the old Diablo Preview out of the install.exe (Starcraft CD) ?

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