Diablo Hellfire & Win2k
I have Diablo version 1.09 installed and added Hellfire, and the games crashes within 5 minutes. This is with a fairly fast computer and Windows 2000pro. Is there a patch for Win2k or what? Thanks!
For me, D 1.09 and HF both run fine on W2Kpro without any additional patches.
Hello Zenobia,

running all versions of D (1.00 to 1.09),
all versions of HF (1.00 to 1.01),
various mods,
and - of course- TheDark, on my W2k Server (SP1 to SP4) w/o any probs ever since W2k first came out.

Likewise as everyone else, I have no problems running Hellfire (any version) under Windows 2000 Professional. Mayhap your CD is damaged / corrupt?

1) Try reinstalling the game, and repatching.
2) Check to see if it's the CD.
3) Check to see if any of your hardware is acting up, i.e. the CD-ROM drive, your HD, etc.
4) Last ditch effort, reinstall your OS.

Sorry I, like the rest, can't be of much help to you, but I have never had a problem. One of the reasons I've stuck with Windows 2000 for so long - it's stable, and it works. That, and I hate XP, and refuse to buy future Windows OSes, especially with the direction MS is taking when it comes to OSes. :P
Roland *The Gunslinger*

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