Weapon base speed
If a pally sees a war spike as very fast attack speed, does this mean the base speed for him is 20?
Or is it -10?
How do i determine base speeds?

One more question- if exile provides lvl 16 defiance, does it add to holy shield's synergy?
Quote:If a pally sees a war spike as very fast attack speed, does this mean the base speed for him is 20?
Or is it -10?
How do i determine base speeds?

War spike is [-10]. To find the base speed, you have to look outside the game. The MPQs have the information. The AS has the information (though it has some of it wrong; don't trust it). The calculator in my sig has the information.

The base speed is an attribute of the base weapon, independent of who's equipping it.

The "Very Fast Attack Speed" et al. is completely meaningless. Don't pay any attention to it.

Quote:One more question- if exile provides lvl 16 defiance, does it add to holy shield's synergy?

No. Auras from items benefit from synergies when applicable, but they don't themselves give synergies to anything.
I get it now, thanks.

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