i had no idea LL was still here
heh, i haven't been here since like 2001 when bolty sorta closed things down.

I had no idea there was still happenings and goings-ons here. So, hi and stuff. Wee!

Guess what I did today? I played a game. Starts with "D" and ends in an "iablo" ... give up? It's Diablo! The first one that is. heh... graphically, it looks pretty dated of course, but ahhh... I remember when I thoght it looked awesome and I actually had to get some more RAM for it (I had 8 MB when it came out) . Heh. Those were the days.

Anyway, it's amazing that D1 is actually still a very entertaining game. I guess the only complaint I have would be dupes/hacks and what not. But not much can be done about that, since it even happens on the D2 realms (I saw some guy cover the entire ground Rouge Encampent in gold piles of 1000 each with some lame exploit less than a week ago).

So, what do you all think about good old D1 or CD as I guess it is often called? Is it perhaps, in some ways, better than D2, or am I just living in the past or having my opinion altered by nostagia here?
In some ways D1/CD ( :P ) is better. It has a more "scary" feel to it, very few places in diablo 2 do you get that feeling of "uh oh and what is around this corner?" Probably related to that reason is D1 looks "real" while D2 looks cartoonish, the best example of this is the golem which in D2 looks like a chubby cartoon midget. My artistic abilities are limited, very limited, but I could draw better.

I like the D2 party and drop system better though wich is it's big seller for me. I hated mages who would clear a level while I was just finishing up a room, and no exp or items were shared. Also friendly fire, some people like friendly fire (mostly non-warriors of course) but it just drove me nuts. A rogue can hit a big moving knight in between the small cracks in his armor but if she is within 45 degreese behind a warrior she can't seem to avoid a misfire into his back. :P
Behold the power of mystical baked goods. We used Necromancer Muffins to revive the place.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
"When my dark lord awoke from his long sleep he talked to me about the great war between the burning pits of hell and the high heavens. My lord has called this war the Sin War!"

They don't make tomes of evil like they used to :huh:
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Damn straight. In my day we had proper Tomes of Evil, with the capitals. Not like the crappy tomes of evil of nowerdays.

*Grumbles* And the old Tomes lasted longer. I can't count the times that my living room has been rendered clean of life by unholy fire, but that old Tome still hasn't been so much as singed. Nowadays you can't even look at a tome without so much as incinerating it.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
I recently started playing DI again, due to the following sequence of events:

1. My computer, on which I had been playing DII:LoD, died. I saved my SP char files and that was it.

2. I got a new computer.

3. I was all set to install DII on the new computer.

4. I realized I only had the LoD CD, not the original DII CD which is required before you can install LoD.

5. After setting my younger brother on the task of finding who the @#$% he'd loaned the CD to now, I dug around those various piles of stuff in my own room in the hopes of finding it.

6. I found the original Diablo CD.

7. I installed that instead, and hide it between rounds until Moron the Overly-Generous-with-his-Sister's-Property gets the Diablo II CD back.
Creator of "The Corrupted Wish Game": Rules revised 06/15/05
"It was a quiet day...the kind of quiet that happens just before the entire Sioux nation comes up over the ridge."
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