Blizzard - Project-Stop after Personnel Losses
GF runs the forums and Web Sites for Blizzard as his job. He got hired, IIRC, due to the high quality of his Warcraft II strategy site. He deals with idiots on the Blizzard forums in a style that I suggest is appropriate to the jerkoffiness of many of the whiners and trolls who frequent those boards.

I think your clone and spider monkey comment is ungracious, even if you find his style abrasive, as many do.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Griselda,Feb 10 2004, 11:38 PM Wrote:It was afterward.  Peter had a few loose ends to tie up at Blizzard before he left, but Flagship made it official when they launched their web site.
Actually, I thought Peter Hu was working at another company for a short time between Blizzard and Flagship Studios (I forget which -- I think it involved fuzzy anime-type criters), so it seemed to me that he quit Blizzard independently of Bill Roper et al. That's why I was very glad to see him end up at Flagship, which looks like a much better match. I dare say Bolty knows the inside dirt on this.
yeah spill it boltmeinster!!
Signatures suck
Could be. I don't know any details of that.

Why can't we all just get along

You guys are hot for a topic that's actually quite old:

"Additionally, Blizzard North will be streamlining their teams into one core group in order to focus their development efforts on one key project."

That's from July. And don't forget that it was relatively recently (ala, after their last game was released) that Blizzard North expanded into two groups. So they're team-wise no worse off then when they created Diablo or Diablo 2.

Blizzard's still the gem here anyway, North's coding practices and work was much worse than their concepts.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Thecla,Feb 11 2004, 10:09 PM Wrote:That's why I was very glad to see him end up at Flagship, which looks like a much better match. I dare say Bolty knows the inside dirt on this.
I too was happy (and unsurprised) to see Peter end up at Flagship. But 1.10 was his baby and he had to see it through.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Feb 10 2004, 02:40 PM] Bah!

Who gives a flying fiddlestick about Diablo3?

If I don't see infested Sarah going at it with Infested James in a Hydralisk Den real soon, I'll go mental.

I can't express how much I *need* StarCraft II!
Agreed. I don't really care for a Diablo III, what I want to see is the Zerg/Protoss Hybrid that Duran was making on the secret level. I'll bet my brother that that will be the fourth race (well, third if the protoss is really gone).

And on the subject of North not doing anything for the pass four year, there is a rumor that they have been writing the story line for DIII (apparently they got stuck on how the lesser demons become more powerful).

But that's a rumor, so don't go qouting that on me. ;)
"if the bible has taught us anything,and it hasn't, is that boys should stick to boy sports and girls shoud stick to girl sports like hot oil wrestling."-homer simpson
Me-"OH MY GOD,OH MY GOD!!!! 1.10 WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WHAT!!!!!....I know what. Fix my computer."
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