Oh those whacky half-time shows
I love that nations song!
Count Duckula,Feb 2 2004, 03:53 PM Wrote:It's a breast, for Christ's sake. :P
And not even a very attractive one at that. ;)
But seriously, I think that everyone is overreacting about this. Being an American, I have grown up in a society where massive amounts of blood and gore in a movie will make it PG-13 and one glimpse of certain parts of the human body will instantly turn the movie, or Super Bowl Halftime Show, into an R-rated event. Even the executives at CBS agreed with that. I just wish that this country would grow up and learn that the human body is a wonderful thing to be seen, except when it is being blown to bits. That is all. Oh, and Congratulations to the New England Patriots, I missed most of the game, but what I saw of it was awesome.
<span style="color:red">Now lounging in the Amazon Basin.
It's a big deal because A) it is the Super Bowl, and everything is a big deal when it involves the Super Bowl and B) it is about 60 years of network policy that say something like this doesn't get on the air (as I'm sure you realize, general network television is necessarily far more strictly censored than rated movies or premium cable channels). A lot of the primetime drama shows start with an advisory statement that suggests the show contains adult content. This is typical even for a show with no nudity, no graphic violence, no bad language, but just dealing with some topics like the trial of a rapist. The Super Bowl has no such warning. It's a family show, watched by four year-olds around the country. And of course, it typically gets higher ratings than say, the state of the union address, election coverage, or the series finales of great TV shows. So, it only takes a small thing to be a big deal.

It's simply a matter of standards. People want to know what they are getting into when they turn on the TV set, especially if their kids are watching (but even if not, there are things I just don't want to unexpectedly have to see or hear on TV). Even network news anchors usually make a warning statement before they show pictures of people getting blown to bits. This is done for the same reason. The standards say you will never see this on network television, and then during one of the most watched events on network television it happens with no warning. Whether what was shown is a big deal or not, breaking the standard in that way is.
Hmmm. I saw it all. I'm glad the Patriots won, as they clearly had the better team. Carolina kept it interesting and suspense filled, so you were never quite sure if they were out of it or not.

At half-time, I was more disturbed by the graphic content of the song lyrics than the exposing of a breast. I can explain to my three year old about naked breasts on women, but I don't think I want to be explaining to my three year old about hookers, or have him using the language he would have been exposed to had he been interested in watching. I think the half-time entertainment should have been more family oriented, but the bare breast was the least of it IMHO. Not that I'm advocating strippers or porn stars to replace cheerleaders.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Google this phrase in the Image search with the safe filtering off--

jackson's boob

Its Kinda Amusing.

I found it by accident while searching for pics of Janet's Boob not Michael's.

kandrathe,Feb 5 2004, 07:04 PM Wrote:Not that I'm advocating strippers or porn stars to replace cheerleaders.
Hmm, I think you're onto something there :)
Quote:Hmm, I think you're onto something there

The Replacements earned a spot on my shelf for the stripper cheerleaders scenes.

I vote Yes. B)
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
gimlisam,Feb 5 2004, 08:33 PM Wrote:And not even a very attractive one at that.&nbsp;&nbsp; ;)
But seriously, I think that everyone is overreacting about this.&nbsp; Being an American, I have grown up in a society where massive amounts of blood and gore in a movie will make it PG-13 and one glimpse of certain parts of the human body will instantly turn the movie, or Super Bowl Halftime Show, into an R-rated event.&nbsp; Even the executives at CBS agreed with that.&nbsp; I just wish that this country would grow up and learn that the human body is a wonderful thing to be seen, except when it is being blown to bits.&nbsp; That is all.&nbsp; Oh, and Congratulations to the New England Patriots, I missed most of the game, but what I saw of it was awesome.
Ooooh, if the rating was the only thing.

Woman files a lawsuit over the Superbowl Breast.

I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, go in a murderous rampage or go play Nethack. Hmmmm, Nethack.
Newt Gingrich
Roland *The Gunslinger*
Quote:gimlisam: Oh, and Congratulations to the New England Patriots, I missed most of the game, but what I saw of it was awesome.

That was a great game. Fantastic game. I was expecting a Super Bore like many years past, but the last few Super Bowls have been good, and not Super Blows. The Half-Time Show™ was Super Crap, just like every one since the Half-Time Show™'s inception.

Quote:Walkiry: Ooooh, if the rating was the only thing.

Woman files a lawsuit over the Superbowl Breast.

I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, go in a murderous rampage or go play Nethack. Hmmmm, Nethack.

That's the epitome of greed for ya. How can they dare say they suffered injuries from this? The only thing that could have happened was maybe someone fell off of their chair or choked on a pretzel when they saw Janet's breast. Stuffy, stuck-up morons. It's a tit! Everyone in the world has seen one, almost everyone has sucked on one at some point in their lives. I used to suck on one at a time back when I was a newborn. I sucked on some a while ago (unfortunately, not recently).

A person that denies their sexuality has a very serious problem. This problem probably leads to a messed up state of mind. I'm not psychiatrist, or "mental health professional", but human sexuality is a part of life. A child seeing a tit on TV isn't going trigger a response in the child that makes them immediately go out and start whoring. It just doesn't work that way. Other cultures are more accepting of nudity in general, so why can't the Americans?

I'm a Canadian, and watching the Super Bowl Half-Time Show™ was ho-hum up until the end. But even then, I saw a titty, and thought to myself, "hey, that's a titty." That was the end of it. I watched the rest of the game and enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it regardless of the little titty show.

I just hope Janet can ride this upsurge of interest and convert it into album sales. After all, that's what the whole stunt was for, wasn't it?
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
(Woman files a lawsuit over the Superbowl Breast.)

Needs to drink more hemlock. Such a cocktail would help her see things from a proper perspective, as she is, a few weeks after quaffing the nectar, excreted from a worms rectum. Yep, I think she just needs the right perspective.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
This is the part of the article that got me (emphasis mine):

Quote:Carlin's lawsuit seeks billions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages.



Jeez, lady, LASIC surgery only costs $7000 with health insurance!

Now, I could maybe begin to understand the billions of dollars if you publically stated that you were going to use it to reform the RIAA or something, or donate it to some charity or do good public works with it. But the idea that you're using an unattractive woman's exposed breast to make you, your children, and your grandchildren fabulously and wastefully wealthy tells me why the world hates Americans so much.

These are the same things I thought when Americans sold pieces of the WTC and USS Columbia on eBay. ("Noticable blood spatters" was a high selling point.) These are the same things I thought when there was more media coverage on a candlelight vigil for Michael Jackson's LATEST child molestation case than the soldiers who've died in Iraq since the "war" ceased. These are the same things I thought when the 700 Club covered "The Dangers of Gay Marriage in America" segment and "The Great Works of Martin Luther King Jr." segment on the same night, on the same show, and back-to-back.

Why am I having all these thoughts lately?
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Quote:Why am I having all these thoughts lately?

Too much caffeine? ;)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
So I was watching the NHL All Star game today, and the commentator says "And coming up at the end of the period, a performance by Bare Naked Ladies!" And I thought, sheesh, one lady flashing a tit isn't even enough anymore?!?
Nystul,Feb 8 2004, 05:51 PM Wrote:And I thought, sheesh, one lady flashing a tit isn't even enough anymore?!?

Sporting events require even more nude women.

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