[RANT] Angel's canceled?
Ahh thank you Mr. Continuity.

From this week's episode:

Fred: "Handsome man saves me"
Angel: "That's how it works"


In addition to the fact that Lorne "read" someone for the first time in ages, compared to last week's episode, we're now swimming in it boys...

Continuity that is...

(And for those of you who are going "huh?", remember how Angel and Fred first met?)

edit: More continuity! Oh I'm delirious
Spike: Strategy?
Angel: Just hold my hand
Spike: St. Petersburg
Angel: Thought you had forgotten

I love it when writers remember that there are events which have occurred in the past which can be fun to touch on from time to time. The reference to the fact that Angel and Spike has fought side by side is one I don't remember having seen since Angel offered Spike Xander's neck in "School hard." :)

Thank you Joss!

edit#2: A tad disappointed with the whole "God being born within one of the lead characters"-plot. Didn't we just see this? The african-American woman spawned from Cordelia's fat ass at the end of season 4 seems strangely reminiscient of this.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Who cares?!?! Fred is a hotty!! The new improved Fred is even hotter!!!

'Scuse me, I need a cold shower after next weeks preview!!

I wonder where they'll go from here.

Today's episode was positively one of the best ones this season. (not that that's saying much). The ending certainly melancholic. Unlike our previous fallen heroines Jenny, Joyce, Tara and Anya, I never really felt anything for Winnifred Burkle... until this episode, when we got to see her leaving her family. Young, cock-eyed, naïve, not a care in the world, starting out her new exciting life in LA... in contrast to everything she's been through... It really hit a nerve.

Of course it wasn't as intense as the above-mentioned incidents (perhaps with the exception of Anya, who was cut down swiftly; brutally mind you, but so fast the audience wouldn't be allowed to dwell on it), but it was nice to see that Joss still has the ability to tear at the ol' heart strings. I hadn't felt it for a long time. (I certainly didn't feel it with Cordelia!)

And a big plus for mentioning both Willow and Buffy! Weeeeeee. I *need* the whole scooby gang back - Angel and Wesley-Windham Price included.

The others can go screw themselves. What the hell was that whole Gun/Harmony-thing? "How could you do this to your friends?" How the hell could he have known, you blind tart!? It was 1 out of 100.000.000 forms he's filled out the last year. 1 wasn't supposed to make a difference; it just did, there is no way he could've known. Signing a piece of paper in exchange for what he got was a small price to pay. Of course signing a piece of paper that would lead to Fred's death would be a monstrous price to pay, but as noted earlier, there is no way he could have known.. (as he stated earlier. Why the hell did he give Harmony another line?)

And Lorne? Why is he even on the show? He's been in 1 episode this season (the party-episode). What are they doing?


With that exception, I found this episode to be one of the best this season, and if they get increasingly better than this, I think we'll have an ending worthy of the series.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Quote:I think we'll have an ending worthy of the series.

As long as there's a Willow spinoff. Dangit, we can't let the Buffyverse die off - I will not accept losing my Willow fix!

[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Willow should team up with Evil Fred for a late-night spin-off..

"You know I was evil once?"
"Oh yeah?"
"Well.. I wasn't really evil, just kinda pissed."
"But that doesn't really compare, now does it?"
"Well I did flay someone."
"Oh. Never mind; just kiss me you red-haired snuzzlebut."
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Snuzzlebut? Now that's going in the ol' lexicon. :lol:

Although Willow and Faith would be more my taste.

(Or Willow and Dawn... Ms. Trachtenberg is a little hottie!)
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

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