Full Sets IAS advice
HI guys, excuse me but my english is awful.

I need explain myself first.

I play LOD and in non ladder have many items, no bots but many many many hell baals. Two of the fews 90ish that are useful today of my non ladders are a whistan set and lightsabre as weapon zealot smiter with level 31-35 defiance and holy shield, and a griswold set avenger witg cold aura and cleglaw glove, sowadin i call him.

In ladder, as a legit player i have a 70 level cleric currently in act two hell. My other 'strongs' chars are a defiant zealot in nightmare act 3 and a wolf druid in act 4 nightmare.

Yesterday i have the better luck in my whole diablo and LOD life. My cleric need a more powerful redemption against radamant, and i use a griswold armor , i put in perfect topazes.

The four next hours, my cleric find in act 2 tal rasha tombs and hell mausoleum, some crap items and, for a various undead champions the following:

1) cat eye amulet
2) aldur armour
3) griswold shield 3 sockets, i put diamonds
4) griswold crown 2 sockets i put two ptopaz
5) griswold weapon with three sockets
6) a unike sorc orb, traded for a lightsabre

This is in europe ladder. My idea is level the zealot for use full griswold set. Him has a full sinergized zeal with fanatism , and i think max holy shield and defiance. My mercenary is a defiant. I have a good LL 12% and my resistance with griswolds be full. I put in the helm two ptopaz, and for the weapon iwant know how many IAS needed for max speed, i dont want use gloves or belt for speed, and maybe i can use all others sockets for amns. My weapon is three sockets. The boots, gloves and belt vary from the enemies, and not have idea for rings and ammy. Zeal not need mana.

With full griswolds i can get 25 level fanatism , 25 holy shield and 22 defiant

in other way, with the druid if i can complete aldurs (have armour and weapon), i think i can get a very adaptable werewolf,for the three socket weapons. Is the same question, wite aldur i have 24 fury and i need know how many ias need for speed.

A last question is if a pack of 40 gems flawed or normal each have a trade value for simple things . As example i think my wolf needs 7 aldur weapons and three aldur helms and want know if a pack of gems worth keeping for trade.

My seven weapons have 3 runes each
eld, amn, ral, eth. Tal, shael and iths for pure damage.

other items inmortal king gloves and belt, hwannin belt, dual leech set belt
and gloves blood, LOh and ghoulhide.

I think with LOH, and the bonus of fullset (350 Ed) and the natural bonus of the weapon, i can be a good demon killer and complement for my cleric

If you want help me i accept aldur weapons in europe ladder, my accounts are darakan4 and darakan6 =)
There is no trading/asking for trade values allowed here. Sorry. Diabloii.net has a forum just for trading, and is better (IMHO) than the trading channels.

/edit: added something
//edit: removed the something I added
I read many mails here, but, i have not see the trade thing. weell, i need say "sorry, this dont repeat"

How Many IAS need for frame change in 25fanatism Full Griswold Set?

Thanx =)
Here's the diablo.de Weapon Speed Calculator. Use it, love it. I sure do!
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
Ok, i check and i think with a one shael in weapon and two amns is ok =)

My pally is now a level 73 in hell act 2, and is good for rush others and for mf in nightamre, and only have one amn now in the scepter, i have too a rare gloves with gold, mf and speed , and with all the set and 3diamnonds my resist are ok. I am thinking in rebuild him, because i waste all points in zeal, sacrifice and my damage only climb in 100 points !!! i think i can make a full sinergized undead hunter and tesladin in one guy.

One thing , yesterday in a game with 6 players i enter in a tp in act5 to anya nightamre, and ...... holy baddest frozenstein, stoneskin, fanatism and critical hit, and i survive !!!! =)

With the druid i think i can use only one mace for life and velocity, one with two amns and one shael, i loss 7% life leech, but gain more velocity and gain three more spaces in stash.

Thanx =)

Other thing, i have in non ladder a nova sorc level 32 with nova level 23 and 26 mana gained for kill for some tasks, and now she cant do anything in ladder , is nova nerfed ?
Skills and socketing for a Griswold Zealot.
20 zeal
20 sacrifice
20 holy shield
1 into vengeance for phys immunes (will be boosted by synergies and Conviction

1 into everything except Holy Shock, so you have access to Conviction
10 Conviction (The reason why I put more stress on Conviction is because it’s more party friendly, and you don’t burn as much mana.)
20 fanat

1 into everything except Meditation. This gives you access to Redemption, so you can clean up corpses easily, and get life back after a battle/while fighting Physical immunes.
Optional: The 1 point each in Resist Cold/fireghting/Salvation will be useful while actually leveling the character, and will boost your 1 point in Vengeance.

=110 skill points
I believe Oramin was the one who said that Vengeance and Conviction were pretty much equal in boosting your elemental damage. However, boosting Conviction gives elemental damage without costing as much mana.

Character Paladin
Weapon Caduceus / Schlangenstab
Skill Zeal
IAS Frames per attack Attacks per second
0 % 7 3.5
8 % 6 4.1
42 % 5 5
142 % 4 6.2

Character Paladin
Weapon Caduceus / Schlangenstab
Skill Zeal
Fanaticism Level 20
IAS Frames per attack Attacks per second
0 % 5 5
40 % 4 6.2

So with lvl 20 Fanatacism, and the 40% IAS already on the weapon, no additional IAS is needed.
In a perfect world, where you had access to all the runes and ED jewels of your choice:

Ohm (50% ED)
2x Lo (20%x2= 40% Deadly Strike)
Ber (20% Crushing Blow)

2 x 40 ED/15 max damage jewels

1 x 40 ED/15 max damage (2 if you wanna skip Cham)
Cham rune (cannot be frozen)
Ber rune (damage reduced by 8%)

3 x Ber rune (Damage reduced by 8% x 3 = 24%)
The reason I suggested the Ber runes, and I stopped at 4 x 8% = damage reduced by 32%, is because in the patch the damage reduced by % cap will be at 50%, not 75% like it is now.

Items to equip with it:

Atma's Scarab: Amplify damage doubles your damage by cursing the monster with -100 physical resistance.

Gore rider boots:
160-200% Enhanced Defense (varies)
30% Faster Run/Walk
10% Chance Of Open Wounds
15% Chance Of Crushing Blow
15% Deadly Strike

Crafted Blood gloves:
Try to craft for gloves that have 20% IAS/10% crushing blow/however much life steal you can get on it. And it would actually be better to have mana steal instead of life steal, as that would give you all the mana you need for Zeal. Dual leach would rock.
Or you could go with any of the elite unique gloves.

String of ears with 15% damage reduced/8% life leach. Verdungo’s would also be nice.

Summary: with a Cham rune in armor, helm, or shield (for cannot be frozen)

170% ED/45 max damage/35% Deadly Strike (double damage every 3 hits, basically)/45% Crushing blow (a crushing blow every 2 hits or so)/Cannot be Frozen/Damage reduced by 47%

Without a Cham Rune (using another 40% ED/15 max damage jewel)

210% ED/60 max damage/55% Deadly Strike (double damage every 3 hits, basically)/45% Crushing blow (a crushing blow every 2 hits or so)/Damage reduced by 47%
For the moment i put the items in a paladin of a friend, and put three diamonds in shield and have all res in hell. The corona and armour have a topazes, and a second armor with saphires. In the three socket weapon i put two amns and one shael, and my fana is really 25.

In nightmare he can do quickly baal, and can survive slowly with care versus hell baal.

Is level 85 now, and use some usefulk things, some not:

20 zealot
20 fanatism
20 holybolt
20 FOH
8 hammer

Isee many paladins dead because iron maiden in Chaos Sanctuary, and he can survive using FOH when cursed; 2/3 of the boss packs dead quickly.

I amthinking in use in a pure zealot defense paladin, and maybe unsocket weapon and put three amns.

Other thing, i use a 10% crush blow crafted with gold, mana leech and reduce potion duration; in boots a rare war boots with 24% MF, 76% gold, resistance and 20% FRW.

I am thinking in use a IK gloves, boots and belt for inmunes.

The druid is slowly, i not see the 76 level of armor, but again, look as a viable options ( no Chaos santuary, he can dead quickly beacuse iron maiden ); anyway is currently 9 level. WIth the high damage to demosn, looks as a viable baal runner , or countess runer with a teleport ammy.

The paladin with griswold find a anadariel visage, nord trendizer, doombringer , nature peace and othr things. One piece more and i complete too the disciple set, i think is a good set to a hammerdin with concentration as melee aura.

Thx for all the advice

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