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:D Hope you have a Happy One today :D
Stormrage :
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TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
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Happy Birthday!
And in two days I can buy you a bottle of champagne. [shameless plug]
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
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TaMeOlta,Mar 4 2004, 05:03 PM Wrote::D Hope you have a Happy One today :D Heh, I remember I was the first person to wish her that last year. :)
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Have a good one!
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... Now you're one year closer to death. :blink:
Have a happy birthday, Griselda! :D
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Have a great day :)
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?
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Go have a great birthday, Griselda, you've definitely earned it! B)
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/waves to the nice lady Lurker
Happy Bday, Griselda!
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*pause lurk*
*resume lurk*
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Oops, please forgive me
The architect of forums
She calms troubled waters
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
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Yeah, like they said - :lol: :lol: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :lol: :lol:
Freshman Diablo
![[Image: jsoho8.png]](
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
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To quote the greatest comedian of the 21st century, the best of them all: Ricky Gervais
David Brent: "Happy birthday by the way"
Tim: "Thank you"
David Brent: "Which one is it?"
Tim: "It's 30"
David Brent: "The big three oh. That's the worst one, innit?"
Tim: "Mhm"
David Brent: "Ohhh, I know what you're thinkin': 'my youth's over.' Oh, I remember when I was thirty, I was like you goin' 'ooh. I'm in a rubbish job, my life's rubbish, nothing good ever happesn to me, when will it change, but .. you know" (*points at own office and the workers he's in charge of*)
Tim: "mhm"
David Brent: "Things *do* change.
Tim: "mhm"
David Brent: "So it could be worse; there's a neighbour of mine... "Kelvin" (*smirks*). He's 32, and he still lives with his parents (*almost starts laughing*)
Tim: "I live with *my* parents"
David Brent: (*reacts instantaniously*) Cherish 'em ... really. Because you will miss them ... when they're not around. Both.. both of mine are dead."
Tim: "Oh"
David Brent: "So..." Dad isn't *dead*, he's .. in a home. So .. as good as. He was .. uhm .. Oh God.. called out the other night, 3 AM, by the nurses. He was convinced there was a Japanese sniper on the roof of Debenhams
Gareth: "Does that look into his room?"
David Brent: "Yeah the back of the roof looks directly into his room, yeah."
Gareth: "Good spot. That's where I would be if I had to take someone out... that lived there.
David Brent: "And I had to go into the room with him and go "look, dad, there's no Japanese sniper."
Gareth: "So .. so who was it? Who was up there?"
David Brent: "No one was there."
Gareth: "Oh."
David Brent: "It's his imagination. He was just .. there was no one there."
Gareth: "Lucky, that's lucky. 'cause if there was a sniper up there, he wouldn't see him. He'd be like (*turns head*) 'oh, no one's there.' (*turns head and gestures bullet impact in back of skull as well as brain matter flying out of forehead*) Poff poch poftch!"
Tim & David stares in disbelief
David Brent: "Anyway.. He is a vegetable now.. and that's something we all can look forward to. So...(*pats Tim on the back*) happy birthday."
Seriously: It's only £12 pr season at Get The Office now!! :)
And happy birthday, Griselda!
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Lurk on, Gris! Another year and still truckin'... :lol:
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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I hope she doesn't answer to the thread today...
If that means she's having a good time at a party somewhere ;)
Happy Birthday ^_^
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Happy Birthday Griselda. May your Birthday wish come true.
'Me not that kind of Orc' - lazy peon
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I appreciate all of your kind thoughts. :)
Why can't we all just get along
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May Cthulhu smile upon you. ;)
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera
Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
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.... and may you have less troubles and more joys (yes, with an "s") in the coming year(s)
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Thanks for the reminder- it's time for a new Cthulhu! Christmas Cthulhu is rather unseasonable at the moment, and, since it's my brithday and all, I think Vacation Cthulhu is more appropriate.
Why can't we all just get along