WoW, Alpha Tester Report !

This is a Great Read, posted by a Alpha tester :rolleyes:

Quote:I Was a Teenage World of Warcraft Alpha Tester

(Warning: The following is a big info-bomb. While I have tried not to spoil a lot of the cool surprises beta testers will discover in play, I wanted to give what I felt was a full overview of the game as it currently stands. A good amount remains to be done on the game, but in many ways, World of Warcraft feels fairly complete already, and so the following is Not Short.)

[WoW] I Was a Teenage Alpha Tester

Have a Great Quest,
King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
I want just a "Diablo III" with single-player and 8+ multi-player, and not some fancy MMORPG with Gucci graphics that is multiplayer-only and that costs monthly fees :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Mar 20 2004, 11:57 AM Wrote:I want just a "Diablo III" with single-player and 8+ multi-player, and not some fancy MMORPG with Gucci graphics that is multiplayer-only and that costs monthly fees :)

Don't let monthly fees be a reason NOT to buy or play at least one MMORPG in your gaming lifetime...Consider this, you buy a game and play it for 40 hours & that's it, Game Over & on to the Next $50.00 game...sure you can play it on the next 2 Difficulty levels BUT it's Still the same game & you'll be doing the same Quests & killing the same Monsters. Take that Next $50.00 and invest it in a MMORPG it should get you 3 Months of playing time plus the free month that comes with the game...that should hold you till WoW goes Gold :o

MMORPG's have a continuing story that is added to in most games Monthly...I play Asheron's Call 1, been playing for 4 years on and off...Off so I could try the Rest [EQ, DoAC UA, UO, AC2 ETC you get the point] IMHO AC 1 is the Best, Because the DEV team is always THINKING, we get New Content or New Quests "EVERY MONTH" :rolleyes:

=article&pagebuilder[display_item]=108]Developer's Notes for MARCH

Quote:Go Here and DL a MMORPG just to see how Great these Games play I DLed "Anarchy Online" played it for 7 days Had Great Fun, it is a Great Game & if AC 1 & WoW went under this would be my next Game...I see DAoC is not listed too bad that is a Fun Game...also  give Asheron's Call 2 a try:  :P

MMORPG Offering Trial Games !!!

Quote:Here is a RPG no Fee Game Sacred English Demo That is a Diablo Clone, a Good one that could be Diablo 3:

Sacred English Demo
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Or, on the other hand, you can afford 5 new games every 2 years, instead of paying for a MMORPG. If those games have good multi-player, and mod value, or replayability (Civ 3 comes to mind...), then they could very well keep you busy for 2 years.
"One day, o-n-e day..."

Good Point...>Afford $$.$$ :D

Gamers don't Play just one game @ a time...I'm currently playing beside Asheron's Call 1...>Myst 3 Exile & Dungeon Siege LoA...add to this list...>1 MMORPG demo [AO] & 1 RPG [Sacred demo] & 4 Adventure games [URU, realMyst, Post Mordem, Syberia2, demos] 3 FPS [UT 2004, Halo & the Far Cry demo from PCGamer mag] & Other demos I downloaded in the past 3 months just since Xmas...It's a good thing I'm a "Retired person" who is in his Second Childhood phase of Life :o

Quote:BTW Gamerhell has one of the Best Demo Lists & High speed downloads if you have DSL like I have  ;)

GamersHell  Demos
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
I want just a "Diablo III" with single-player and 8+ multi-player, and not some fancy MMORPG with Gucci graphics that is multiplayer-only and that costs monthly fees

I'm right there with ya, but I don't think it's useful for us to drag that thought over here. This is a WoW forum, and WoW is going to be a pay-to-play MMORPG. No use raining on the parade for the people who are into that kind of thing.
Hi KJ,

Yes, I actually played AC1 with KJ and another member from our guild for almost 6 months. I liked the easy leveling system and gameplay. I am not really concerned with the cost of a game, since I actually spend more on coffee and lunch per week than a monthly fee 10 games (comes a point in one's income where some expenses matter little) . I am more concerned with quality of game play. Diablo 2 LOD had a certain "something" which kept me interested for a good 2-3 years. I hope WOW will offer the same interest.

BTW, Sacred is a great game!

ObsessedAvenger,Mar 26 2004, 06:30 PM Wrote:Hi KJ,

Yes, I actually played AC1 with KJ and another member from our guild for almost 6 months. I liked the easy leveling system and gameplay. I am not really concerned with the cost of a game, since I actually spend more on coffee and lunch per week than a monthly fee 10 games (comes a point in one's income where some expenses matter little) . I am more concerned with quality of game play. Diablo 2 LOD had a certain "something" which kept me interested for a good 2-3 years. I hope WOW will offer the same interest.

BTW, Sacred is a great game!

Hi OA :D

I look foward to WoW & going into Battle with you again my Friend ;)

We had Fun while it lasted in Asheron's Call 1. Btw there were 4 of us from our Angels of Hell Gaming guild...Gronk, Thenry, You & me :P

I too liked Scared, fun game, I love riding & fighting on top of a Horse :lol:

Quote:Right now I'm in the Open Beta of MU...a Diablo1 type MMORPG:

MU, a 3D online game produced by Webzen is a full on 3D MMORPG that is the first of its kind developed in Korea. MU is a highly involved fantasy Role Playing Game based on the legendary Continent of MU. You are given the choice of selecting between one of four classes, Dark Knight, Fairy, Dark Sorcerer and Magic Gladiator, and become a daring adventurer in the quest to save the land of MU.

MU Beta DL
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

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