Stormwind Quest
I don't know if any of you have run into the same problem that I have when it comes to the quest where you need to go to Stormwind, delivering an order request.

Here's the interesting thing: I've been told that there really isn't a way to get to Stormwind without taking a griffon. Except I can't take a griffon ride. Not even from Loch Moroh (where you get the quest).

Has anyone else experienced this?

Are you sure you don't mean Ironforge? Stormwind is available by following the road out of Goldshire to IIRC the north. You'll get there in short order. AFAIK there is no way to get to Ironforge except by griffin - you'll be able to get one in Stormwind for 50 copper pieces.
tal125,Apr 6 2004, 04:35 PM Wrote:Are you sure you don't mean Ironforge? Stormwind is available by following the road out of Goldshire to IIRC the north. You'll get there in short order. AFAIK there is no way to get to Ironforge except by griffin - you'll be able to get one in Stormwind for 50 copper pieces.
Could be we deal with a Night Elf here. Then the flight from Iron forge to Stormwind is NOT activated. So one need to get there some other way. One can take a HIGHLY dagerous walk through that fireland you fly over. Other options include getting to the coast and swim arround to Westfall or something. Usually when you die at the sea area, you will ressurect in Westfall too (you lose exp to get out of ghost there though). There are other ways going over land in Kalimdor, through Ashenvale into The Barrens, taking a boat to Booty Bay and walk north to Westfall. Highly dangerous though with high level monsters in the path.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
What you said is quite the contrary. I've actually run from the Wetlands to Ironforge, but for the life of me, I can't get a griffin to Stormwind. I'll try running to Stormwind though. I'll head North next time I'm on Azeroth.

I'm exploring the Orcish lands before it's populated and they kick my butt. Kind of interesting. Maybe I'll post a report on my findings there...

Jarulf,Apr 6 2004, 11:15 AM Wrote:Could be we deal with a Night Elf here.
Eep. Didn't know that Nightelves were restricted that way. Thanks for the heads up Jarulf! :)

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