Cannot access account
I am wondering how this happened and what, if anything, I could have done about it.

The long story is thus:

My Bow Assassin went for a tour of the Spider Forest and the Flayer Jungle in Hell last night.

She found the Spider Waypoint, found the Spider Cavern (claimed an Eye!), did a brief tour of the Marsh (as that was the only exit from the Spider Forest), found the Flayer Jungle, found the Flayer Village, worked her way through the Flayer Dungeon, got 3/4 of the way through the third level and....

Poof ! "Your connection has been interrupted." :angry:

Ok. Log back on and get into the same game. It'll be a long walk from the Spider Waypoint, but the way is clear.

Connection hanging......

Ok. Exit and try again.

(Paraphrasing) "You cannot connect to Battlenet. This CD key is in use. It is registered to "My Real Name". Try waiting five minutes and re-connect."

Huh? :blink:

So....I reluctantly conceded that my girl was condemned to another tour of the Flayer Dungeon (always assuming I can find the damn thing again - I am very "maze-challenged").

But how/why did this happen? And what could I have done about it in time to get back to my game before it poofed?
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

I don't have much input as to why/how, but I can say that I've had this happen to me as well. I guess it must be some kind of bug with that occurs occasionally with an interrupt. It has happened to me maybe a half dozen times since d2's release. The time that my key was still in use varied from a couple of minutes to about an hour. Nothing I tried seemed to help. I'm just thankful that it is very uncommon.
I don't quite know why it happens, but I do know that it even if you were to connect to, your game would no longer exist and you would have to start the trek again anyway. Anytime the 'Your connection has been interrupted' screen comes up, it's almost like the server resets, and games that are hosted on it disappear, regardless of how long they were around.

When it happens to me, what I usually do is completely exit the game (getting back to the desktop), wait about a few minutes, and start it up again. Then I don't get the connection problem, most likely due to the game finding a different server for my use.
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
I've had this happen on occasion. It always occurs after a "connection interrupted" message. I think the server still thinks I'm online. Thus, I can't get back online until the server goes through its cycle, at which point the game is more than likely to have gone *poof*.

Fortunately, I've not had this occur often. I hope that you are able to play many long and happy hours before it happens to you again. :)

In worlde we ware kast for to kare
To we be broght to wende
Til wele or wa, an of tha twa,
To won withouten ende.
This happened to me sometimes when I'm switching chars a lot muling. First get to windows task manager and make sure d2 still isn't running in the background. If it isn't running and you are on a dynamic IP connection (dialup, most dsl/cable) disconnect from the internet and reconnect. If you are on a static IP you are screwed and just need to wait until BNET times out the connection. Maybe rebooting your machine will help if there is a process hidden somewhere keeping the connection open.

Maybe someone with a little more internet kung fu will enlighten us as to any other ways to fix this.

An expensive option is get another computer and another copy of d2 and play from that. Yes I know it is not quite sane but if you are a true crackhead nothing is out of the question.
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.
Striker,Apr 8 2004, 08:08 AM Wrote:I don't quite know why it happens, but I do know that it even if you were to connect to, your game would no longer exist and you would have to start the trek again anyway.  Anytime the 'Your connection has been interrupted' screen comes up, it's almost like the server resets, and games that are hosted on it disappear, regardless of how long they were around.
That's not always necessarily true; it all depends on why the connection was interrupted. I have had the Black Screen of Death™ (aka Your Connection Has Been Interrupted) a few times over the past couple of weeks and usually I have been able to rejoin my game. I think in these cases I have just been dropped due to a timeout rather than a server problem. Of course, if you get the BSoD due to the server barfing, then yes, your game is toast. That's happened to me in the past, too.

And Shadow, I hope you manage to finish the Flayer Dungeon on your second attempt, and not repeat an experience I once had where it took no less than 5 tries to finish rescuing the stupid Barbarian prisoners in Act V.

Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.

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