Sitting on chairs, etc.

When I've tried sitting on the various chairs in buildings, I found that I couldn't get up unless I ate something first. Am I missing something obvious?

EDIT: Is there any advantage to sitting in a chair as opposed to just sitting on the ground?


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


As far as I know, sitting in a chair is the same as sitting on the ground. So, you'll regain mana and life faster, but that's about it.

I found that I couldn't get up either, but then someone told me to try the emotes. If you do a /salute, you'll get up just fine. There might be more that make him stand, but /salute is the only one I know of that works 100% of the time for me.

The chair thing is either a really dumb bug (most likely) or some seriously convoluted thinking on Blizzard's part wherein you have to do something not obvious before you get up. It might be that you HAVE to eat before you get up, but that's not necessarily why I would sit down in the first place. Silly Blizzard.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
Definitely buggable.

How're you trying to get up in the first place? Are you using /stand or trying to move forward with 'W' or something else? I haven't found any sittable chairs yet, but I'd like to try to replicate that.
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

How're you trying to get up in the first place?

Tried moving using all the wasd keys as well as qe. Tried the x key (toggle sit/stand). Tried a number of things more or less at random (like the z key and even NumLock). Didn't record everything I tried, but the only thing I found was eating. The emotes would have been better, since I wasted two apples on this :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Sounds like a bug, does Bliz have a explaination for sitting or anything else in game, that is "for your eyes only" as a beta tester ?

I was in the open beta test for MU for bit, I could not sit on the ground to Regn only in chairs or on a tree stump & I could lean against objects walls, trees etc. this action did not work all the time either. What was nice they had Tree stumps in the battle area so you could sit & Regn or you could sit around a camp fire and chew the fat with other players.

Quote:MU MMORPG open beta:

MU provides unique motions and actions that are not available in other games. Complicated motions such as leaning against a wall or sitting on a chair are possiblie in this game.

These executable motions and actions are not merely for show, but it has an effect of restoring the physical strength of the game characters.

In order for physical strength to be restored automatically, taking a breather is the only valid way, except for maybe the use of the Recovery Ring. The act of leaning and sitting is Not possible in every instance.

The visible look of the mouse cursor changes where special motions are possible, such as protruded walls or chairs.

MU leaning against a wall or sitting on a chair.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
It is certainly a bug. It doesn't happen every time, but it happens very often. When it does happen, people seem to report different solutions, and some people try everything suggested and still have to log out and back in.
Well it has happened every time I have sat in a chair and the only thing I have been able to do to extract myself from the chair is to use the salute emote. (not exactly intuitive). Worse, however, is a bug Mongo Jerry and I have both experienced a lot which is the character sitting down without being directed. When this bug hits, the character stands but when he moves one of the arrow keys, he sits. This even happens in battle. At first, I thought I had fumble fingered (not uncommon for me) and inadvertently hit the x key which toggles sit/stand, but that is not the problem. I have no clue what the problem is but when it begins, it seems you just have to wait it out or log out and back in. Alt-tabbing does not seem to correct the problem.
Strange. I've always been able to get up from chairs by hitting the "X" key.

Quote:Worse, however, is a bug Mongo Jerry and I have both experienced a lot which is the character sitting down without being directed.

Yep, this is a very annoying bug. It seems to last for a few minutes and then go away. Just in case, I just now thoroughly cleaned my keyboard (I can't believe how much junk was in there). If this doesn't fix the sitting down thing, I'll report it to Blizzard.
Wow, I thought it was just me that had chair problems. I always felt like such an idiot for not being able to get out of a chair.

I've always been able to eventually get up by mashing random wasd keys and the spacebar. It takes awhile, and I bet my character looked pretty funky to any passers-by.

"Hey, that guy in the chair is having a seizure!"
Its not just you Pete:

Tal who spent ten minutes in a chair before being released but who still doesn't know how he got out...

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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