Looking for Jarulf
A little birdie told me you were the d2 guru and you might be able to help me with a lil project I've started.

I got spoiled with DAoC and SWG because it was easy to find a website that had a character builder on it where you could play with templates. Anytime I search for one for D2 all I get are downloads that want to access my save file and that's not what I'm looking for. I got pointed to one that lets you invest in skills to see their effect and its a nice job but I want one that covers all aspects, stats and skills. So I decided to make my own.

I'm working on the stats part right now (now being put on hold til after exams next week), this is the information I've gathered so far:

Starting Attributes for classes (for example Amazon)
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 20
Energy: 15
Hit Points: 50
Stamina: 84
Mana: 15

For Each Character Level
Life +2
Stamina +1
Mana +1.5

Attribute Point Effect
1 Vitality point gives 3 Life
1 Vitality point gives 1 Stamina
1 Energy point gives 1.5 Mana

With this information I can have a user select a class and store starting points and values for increases in variables. The only thing is that Str and dex are not covered. I have only basic knowledge of their affect on a couple of classes; Assassins 1 str and 1 dex increases damage by 1. Amazons 1 dex increases AR and damage (is it that dex increases AR and that in turn increases damage?)

Was wondering if you could clarify this for me or point me to sites or forums that would hold the answer for me.
Live and Play Fair.
Sweet Chastity
I'm pretty sure the character pages at diabloii.net have correct info as far as stats are concerned.


Quote:With this information I can have a user select a class and store starting points and values for increases in variables. The only thing is that Str and dex are not covered. I have only basic knowledge of their affect on a couple of classes; Assassins 1 str and 1 dex increases damage by 1. Amazons 1 dex increases AR and damage (is it that dex increases AR and that in turn increases damage?)

How much damage is affected by strength and dexterity is dependent on the weapon being used, not the character class. And how much damage really gets added depends on several other factors as well. A lot of specifics on damage are here at tommi's damage calculations page. The section on damage bonuses from str and dex is just a small portion of that page.

Oh and how much AR you have is based partly off the amount of dexterity you have. AR just affects your chance to hit.
/edit: Um, ignore this post. I went through all the specifics of weapon damage multipliers (and forgot some [Amazon weapons...]), but they're all there on Tommi's site. :)
Thanks for the replies!! I'll give it a look over on Friday, I have an essay, an assignment and a quiz before then :(
Live and Play Fair.
Sweet Chastity

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