Fire sorc
Ok im making my second 1.10 fire sorc and im needing some suggestions (this is for pvp btw):
1. Should i put points in energy (I remeber in my old old old sorc i got it and it helped a load with energy sheild) or jus put thouse points into life?
2. Items.
Im pretty new to 1.10 (not played in ages) and ive been thinking about ormus robes, eldrich orb and a shako. I need some suggestions here too

Ty your help is appreciated
Eschutas and Ormus will get you at max 35% increased fire damage, while Tal's orb with partial bonus (-15% fire res) will still deliver more damage to creatures with 60%+ fire res. I assume that the same is true vs players.
Don't forget that the +% fire skill damage just adds to what your mastery gives. The higher your mastery is, the more the -15% resistance shines in comparison to the +35% damage.
so how many peices of tals do i need for this bonus?
The orb and any two other items in the set.
hmmm possibly tals orb+belt+ammy.
but then i cant use maras :(
but i think that would be better than orb+belt+armour and losing out on ormus (havent looked at armours stats in ages so mabye im wrong)
Quote:but then i cant use maras
Tals amulet is superior to maras unless you have absolutely no other way of picking up your fire and cold resists. I don't see why people want maras so bad, it isn't better than a good rare and worse than a good crafted ammy.

If you have tals armor and amulet just wear the whole set. Other than the hat the individual pieces rock and combined there really isn't anything in the game that provides better total bonuses.
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.
oops accidently double posted...
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.
ok ive just saw the 1.10 tals ammy and it looks great.
Ill think i get one of them.
wat is it worth alot more now?
Kman,Apr 14 2004, 07:20 AM Wrote:ok ive just saw the 1.10 tals ammy and it looks great.
Ill think i get one of them.
wat is it worth alot more now?
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Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
Hmmm im also wondering weather its usefull to invest in DEX.
On the one hand there is the idea that you should teleport enuth not to get hit too much, but i have been hit by many barbs telporting and ww'ing (and it hurts like hell).
So is it useful investing in dex to get the block or putting it into life and err... living?
If you are going PVP you probably want to use Stormshield which doesn't have the best block. You will need a lot of strength (155?) for it. At that point investing in block will cost you too many points away from vitality.
Step 2: Acquire and train a monkey. This step may take some time.
I was thinking about whistans sheild for its good block (when facing a melee char anyways)
is the extra block worth the loss in damage reduce.
Also in the tournements i play in the max damage reduce aloud for non-melee sorc is 10%
adeyke,Apr 14 2004, 02:34 AM Wrote:Don't forget that the +% fire skill damage just adds to what your mastery gives.  The higher your mastery is, the more the -15% resistance shines in comparison to the +35% damage.
Can't agree.

Most-all duelers over-res - they will have more than 50% in excess of what they need to get max.

This means anything less than a serious (ie 60%+) anti resists will have no effect, meaning you may as well stack on as much +%dmg as you can.

The only Two exceptions are the Poisonomancer (Who can potentially get -155% to enemy resists), and of course Cold sorcs (where the extra -%resists can make sure even a serious res-stacker stays in the negatives, but the cold sorc benefits esp from +%dmg, since she has no damage that's very situational).

Maybe a case could be made for lightning sorc - crescent means you can get over -60%, making it worth considering.

For virtually every other elemental character, unless facing inxperienced duelers you will find that -resists are close to worthless.

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