Hello all, Hope found the right place to post this intro in. I am Bielzibulb2, I play useast realm , sc ladder, Account(warmonger272003) Druid.(BielzibulbII) I am also new to the amazon basin. Hope to see you all in game and in chat.
BielzibulbII (Druid)

Account: Warmonger272003

USEast Realm


Hello. As glad as I am that there is a friendly, new Lurker around, you are not supposed to make introduction threads.

From the Lurker Lounge etiquette page:
21) If you're new and have not yet made a new introduction thread... I'd not recommend making one. Better to reply to an exisiting thread, and in your reply (while also contributing to the discussion) mention that you're new (if you have to at all) than to start a new thread that shall very likely be flamed or plain ignored.

Despite that, welcome to the Lounge!
<span style="color:red">Now lounging in the Amazon Basin.
Sorry for the mistake but I do have one point to make, I see plenty of other members posting into's the same way i did and nothing like what u said was said to them. Nonetheless, thank you for the welcome.
BielzibulbII (Druid)

Account: Warmonger272003

USEast Realm


Don't sweat over it when some folks seem to get a bit anal about spam, spelling and grammar in posts here.
They are just being protective over one of the few sites online where Leet Speek is only used in jest, and mindless, meaningless babble is rare.

Much of the whole point behind the Lurker Lounge is that people LURK. Announcements as to one's presence are unnecessary. The best introduction is when you post a brilliant gem, preferably about Diablo.


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